Sunday 23 September 2012

Shakespeare’s Globe

June 14, 2012

Today after work we quickly went home to eat and then went into London to get in line for Shakespeare’s Globe. We had to wait inside because we bought the ‘peasant’ seats which aren’t actual seats but the standing area in the middle. We wanted to get a good spot by the stage so we got in line early. We waited for a bit and then got to go inside. We literally got standing ‘seats’ right at the edge of the stage. Right in front! It was amazing! It was so cool looking all around you at the circle of seats and the stage. Also you looked up and there wasn’t a ceiling where we were standing. The only ceiling was over the seats that were more expensive. We weren’t allowed to sit down during the performance, but that is okay because Hamlet was amazing! They did such an amazing job with very little props and some of the time they were right in front of us on the stage! It didn’t really start raining until the second act so we didn’t get too wet. The performance was long though, although what do you expect for Shakespeare lol. After the performance we decided to get a drink in the pub that was connected to the Globe theatre. It was really cool and old looking. They had candles dripping onto books and low lighting and what was even cooler was the actors from the performance came in to get drinks as well! We got to see them again! Haha. Although we were both too shy to say anything. It was really fun and I’m really glad we did it, even though it was a school night. We decided we probably should head home and go to bed.

Until next time,


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