Monday 24 September 2012

Harry Potter Studio Tour

July 23, 2012

Today we got up and got all our ebay stuff together then took it to the post office. Then we got some breakfast and got ready to go to the HARRY POTTER STUDIO TOUR!!! It took forever to get there but well worth it! It was absolutely amazing! First you get an audio tour and then you go into the Cinema to watch a little video. On the way we saw the cupboard under the stairs where Harry lived. Then we saw a video about the tour and at the end Harry and Ron and Hermione go through the doors to the great hall and then the screen goes up and BAM! There was the great hall! We walked through the doors and into the actual Great Hall!! AHHH!!! We looked all around and listened to our tour guide and then walked into the next room filled with everything imaginable to do with Harry Potter. We used our audio tour all around the room seeing Dumbledore’s Office, Hagrid’s Hut, Ron’s House, the bedroom the boys slept in, props, cars, etc. It was never ending and so much stuff. We decided to wait in line to get our picture in the flying car and get to ride the flying broomstick and we got some pictures! It was amazing! We finally finished the room- after seeing the Magic of Ministry center piece, the carpet wall hanging of the family members, and much more! We finally finished this room and headed to the back lot where we got some butter beer! YUM! We also saw the house from the film- including Harry Potter’s house. We also saw some cars/the knight bus and got to sit in both! Then we went into the Creature Shop which had all the weird creatures from the film, including Doby! Then you turned the corner and all of a sudden you were in Diagon Alley! HA! So cool!!! We actually got to walk down Diagon Alley! We saw the wand shop and all of the shops it was so cool. I thought that this couldn’t get any better. I was wrong. Next thing I know we were staring at Hogwarts. OMG! It was huge! We walked all around it and couldn’t stop staring at it. It was amazing! Every brick was hand painted and it even had little real lights on it. It was incredible and I can’t believe I got to see it. When we finally were finished staring at Hogwarts we made our way towards the gift shop. Right before the gift shop there was a room with tons of wand boxes. On each box was the name of someone who helped in making the films. It was really cool! I wanted my name on the wand box!!! We then went into the gift shop to get our souvenirs. This was the only time I was a little disappointed in the whole thing. I was hoping for a lot more at the gift shop. However, it didn’t change the fact that this was an amazing day! I am so glad we got to experience it because it was wonderful; such a great way to end our time in London.

Until next time, 


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