Thursday 13 September 2012

Diamond Jubilee

June 3, 2012 

Today we got up early and headed into London for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. We had decided we wanted to see all of the boats go down the Thames with the Queen on the Royal Barge. However, we did not realize that all of the bridges were going to be closed. It was ridiculous! You couldn’t get anywhere! We started out by Tower Bridge and kept walking down the Thames trying to find a bridge open to get across. It took forever but we finally found a bridge and it would’ve been cool if we could stay on the bridge because it was a good view but unfortunately we couldn’t. So we walked across and began walking again to find a spot. We ended up past the Globe Theatre and right before the Millennium Bridge. It wasn’t the best spot but it was as good as we were going to get. Then we had to stand there waiting for 3 hours for the boats to come past. It was off and on rain/drizzle and it was cold. Not the nicest weather to stand in for 3 hours but I can’t imagine if we had gotten there any later, we wouldn’t be able to see anything! Finally the boats came by and there were tons of them! They just kept coming! I couldn’t see very well because I was too short so Heavens was taking pictures for me and when the Royal Barge came past the guy standing next to me was nice enough to pick me up so I could see it real quick. The Royal Barge was huge! You could sort of make out the Queen. Either way it was really cool to see all the boats on the Thames because there are hardly any boats on the Thames. We decided to leave even before all the boats came by, and luckily we did because it poured as soon as we started walking back. We decided to stop at Piccadilly to get some souvenirs and of course a Cinnabun J Yum! We got a sandwich because we hadn’t eaten all day and then we headed home and had pizza for dinner and watched a movie. Besides the weather and having to stand and wait for 3 hours it was a good day and it was fun seeing the Queen on her Royal Barge. 

Until next time,


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