Sunday 23 September 2012

Day Out in London

July 7, 2012

Today we got up and went into London. We first started at the zoo. We wanted to see my giraffe! So of course first we went to see her! She is sooooo cool! I could tell which one she was right away. I love her!!! And I love Heavens for getting her for me! After we took some pictures we walked around looking at all the animals. We saw the lions, tigers, zebras and much more. Heavens loved the monkey house where monkeys walk all around you. We also went into the butterfly house which was amazing; butterflies flying all around you and landing on you. We stayed in there for a long time! Two of them landed on me! We decided to go see the dragon talk about the dragons and about the tortoises. We also wanted to see the giraffe talk because they were going to feed the giraffes near us! YAY! I got to see my girl up and close! I so wanted to pet her and feed her but I couldn’t. After we went to another house and they were taking pictures so we got meerkat pictures hahahaha. It was great! Then into the monkey house where Heavens had a monkey sit on her shoe! And run all around her! We also saw the penguins which had their brand new outdoor area which was cool. Finally we got some milkshakes at shake-away! YEA! It was a great time! We decided to walk through Regents Park afterwards as the zoo is connected to the park. There were some pretty flowers and random people dancing in the park which was cool. We were hungry so we stopped at a pub for dinner. We had planned to do some more stuff but both didn’t feel the greatest and it was getting late so we decided to head home. On the way we decided to try out the new Emirates Airline cable car that was brand new. It goes across the Thames. It was a little scary but really cool! I can understand why they put it in. Once over the Thames we got on the tube and headed home. It was a great day and I loved sharing it with my girl.

Until next time,


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