Monday 24 September 2012

Olympic Torch

July 22, 2012

Today we got up early and ate breakfast with Brandy and Rachel and Kat and Josh, even though we had a hangover lol. Then we went and sat outside on the hill to wait for the Olympic Torch. We waited a while but a parade finally came and then the torch. It was really cool! The guy was in a wheel chair with the torch attached to it and he rode down the street in the middle of the parade. We watched most of the parade and then went to change. We were going to walk to the park where they had lots of events for the Olympics but on the way we saw another parade. This time we got to see Clare from Heavens work and her daughter on the float! We walked to the park and walked around a bit looking at all the stuff. It was okay. The cool part was that you could get your picture taken with the torch but the line was so long we didn’t want to wait. So we came back to eat lunch and then began a very long day of packing for America and Devon. It took us all day! But we finally got it all done! It was really cool to see the Olympic Torch and a once in a lifetime experience.

Until next time,


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