Sunday 23 September 2012

Leaving Do

July 21, 2012

Today we got up and went into London. We wanted to go on the free walking tour but we ended up being early so since we were by Hyde Park we decided to go up Wellington Arch. It was cool because we went up just as the changing of the guards happened where the horses walk under the arch. We got some cool pictures. We saw the displays and took some pictures then we saw people lining up for the free walking tour so we went down and joined them. We got our tickets and got into our group, however, there were too many people in our group so we offered to switch to John’s group who had the cool dinosaur umbrella. He was so cool! He took us all around London! We went to Buckingham, the Prince’s house, Trafalgar, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, etc. We learned a lot of stuff- for example that Buckingham Palace has been broken into many times and one guy even sat on the Queens bed chatting with her after breaking in! We also saw the changing of the guards and took pictures with soldiers. It was really cool and really awesome for being free! When the tour was over we met Ashley, Clare, and Robin at Misato in Soho to eat some lovely Japanese food! YUM! After lunch we said our goodbyes to Clare and Robin, then went to Piccadilly Circus with Ashley. We got some cinnabuns and headed to see my bridge for one last time! It looked cool with the Olympic Rings hanging from it. We said our goodbyes and headed home. We got ready and headed into Romford for our Leaving Do, Girls Night Out! It was really nice and lots of people came! We had a great time drinking and dancing. The only bad thing was saying our goodbyes to everyone. Overall it was a great day and great way to say goodbye to everyone!

Until next time, 


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