Thursday 13 September 2012


June 5-7 2012

Today is our 10 month anniversary! YAY! We got up early and headed into London Victoria. We got our tickets and had some breakfast before heading onto the train to go to Hastings. On the train we played some cards and hung out. It took a while to get there but once there we took a cab to the Travel Lodge where we are staying. We checked in and put our stuff down then we walked into town to explore. We were walking trying to find the Castle; we could see it from the road but couldn’t figure out how to get up to it. Instead we found a fisherman’s museum. We looked around it and got up on the boat….I’m on a boat! Then we got directions to the Castle. We walked to the lift to go up the mountain to the Castle. I have to say I was not impressed by the lift, lol. Not a big fan of heights and you could see all the way down where you were coming from, not fun! But we made it! Then we had to walk to the Castle. We walked around it and explored the randomness of what was left standing. This Castle is the remains of what William the Conqueror built for himself. It still had the Church tower and a few parts of buildings. We even watched a video about the Castle and how it was built and how it crumbled and what was left. Afterwards, we went to the Café up on the hill for lunch. Then we decided to walk to the other side of the cliff to go to Smuggler’s Adventure. This was really cool. It is caves all underground that the Smugglers used to use to smuggle stuff into England. We got to walk all around them looking at different stuff all giving information about the Smugglers. We even got our picture taken in a boat with the Smugglers! Some parts were a bit creepy because there was a big open Church way. They had found it and didn’t know who built it or how it got there. There were also statues that just randomly appeared which was a little creepy. Once we were finished exploring we decided to head back to our hotel because we were tired and it was raining. We went back and napped and got changed before heading back into town for dinner. Unfortunately it did not stop raining. Therefore as we walked around trying to find a nice place to eat we got soaked! But we finally found a little diner where we had a nice meal. We got pizza and fries. Then we shared a banana split J. It was a lovely dinner. Since it was still raining really hard we decided to go back to the hotel and play cards, watch tv, and hang out for the night.
6th- Today we got up and walked into town. We mailed out my stuff for Exeter and then went to a little café for breakfast. Then we walked along the shops and looked for some souvenirs. Then we headed to the beach! It was quite cold, but I still put my feet in and we sat on the beach collecting stones. When it became too cold we decided to walk along the shops some more, all the way to the end of the sidewalk where the sea was. We took some pictures and then walked back along the shops and found the go-carts. Heavens had never done go-carts before so we decided to do it. We had fun racing against each other and she had a blast driving the go-cart. Then we went to the mini-golf place to play some golf. We decided to do the Adventure Golf out of all the ones you could pick. It had tikki statues that spit water at you lol. It was really fun, but busy. At the end we had to hit the ball into the machine to win a free game and I won it!!! WHOHOOOO! We walked back to the hotel and did some more shopping. Once back we napped and changed and headed back into town for a really nice dinner. We were a little bit early for our reservations so we decided to play in the arcade. Heavens wanted to play on the 2p machines. I gave her a pound and on her last 2p she won! YAY! She won 5 pounds and 24 tickets! Sweet! We decided to cash them in, but it took forever! It was a mission to find the place to cash them in! We finally found it and got a cars badge/key chain set and a pack of Winnie the Pooh Cards. Then we headed to dinner at the Italian Way restaurant. It was perfect timing for our table which was right by the window so we could see the sea. It wasn’t raining either so we could see perfectly. We ordered dough balls  and a drink each. Then Heavens got Spaghetti Cabornara and I got Mushroom, Chicken and Tomato pasta. Yum! It was lovely. We also got a side salad and bread to share. Afterwards we got dessert. Heavens got Tiramisu and I got Knickerbocker Glory. It was a lovely meal with a wonderful view. And the upstairs where the bathroom was also had a great view where you could see the old ship that sunk and the remains were there. It was cool. Because it wasn’t raining after dinner still, we decided to use the free coupon I won at golf and this time did the pirate golf. This one had pirate ships that shot water cannons at each other haha! Cool! It was cool to be there at night and see the sky and the sea front/cliffs. Heavens won lol but I wasn’t too far behind. Then we walked along the beach and saw the shipwreck I was talking about earlier. Then we went back to the hotel and played cards before bed. J
7th- Today we slept in a bit then got all our stuff ready and checked out of the hotel. We walked into town, which was difficult with our heavy bags. We went to shake away which is amazing! You can get a shake with anything you want in it! YUM YUM!! Of course I had Reese’s peanut butter cups, peanut M&M’s, and Oreos. Heavens had Reese’s peanut butter cups, caramel, and a flake. It was delicious. Then we walked around the market a bit. We were going to look at wedding bands so we tried Argos but couldn’t find anything. It began raining so we got some prawns (shrimp) and walked to Yates for lunch. We had some sandwiches and sat inside playing cards while it rained. Then we decided to look at H Samuel where we got our engagement rings for our wedding bands. We were just going to look at what they had but we ended up picking ours! It only took like 5 minutes to pick them! We got everything sorted and bought them! Then we headed to the train station to get the train back to London. We went to Richmond and Tim and Larissa picked us up. We hung out at their house with William and Amelie. Heavens even got to read Amelie a story before bed! How cute!! Then we had dinner and spent the night.
Overall it was a great weekend!

Until next time,


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