Monday 24 September 2012


July 24, 2012 to July 29, 2012

24th- Today we got up early and made our way to Devon. It took us forever to get there and so hard with 14 bags! But we eventually made it! Once there we just relaxed for the night after a long day of travelling.
25th- Today we got up and went to Salcombe on the beach. We went with Heavens parents. It was a nice sunny day. We sat on the rocks and Heavens and her dad went out into the ocean to kayak. I attempted to kayak but didn’t like it and got soaking wet….in my clothes! We walked along the beach for a while until we got hungry then we went to the Winking Prawn for lunch. It was a great meal. Then we decided to walk into town from the beach. We got some ice cream and then made Heavens’ dad go get the car and pick us up lol. We headed home for the night.
26th- Today we got up and went into Exeter for the day. We looked at our apartment area that we will be living in next year and saw how close it was to the campus. Then we walked into town for a bit and got our America money! YAY! Her parents decided to take us for a nice lunch by a river; however we had to take a detour and it never ended!!! It was the road that never ends! We finally came to the restaurant and it was beautiful! It was right by the river with a bridge and it was so lovely. We sat outside by the water eating and Heavens fed the ducks. Then we headed home and skyped mom for a bit.
27th- Today we got up and got ready to go to Dartmoor with Heavens’ dad. We were up on the hill on these huge rocks overlooking the fields. It was beautiful and there are so many of them all scattered around. We stopped at a few of them climbing on the small rocks. We saw wild cows and wild horses. It was really cool. It was a little cold but it was really pretty. Then we went back home and hung out.
28th- Today we spent the day hanging out with Heavens parents. We watched t.v., had a bbq, and chatted. We played cards and enjoyed our last full day in Devon.
29th- Today we went home from Devon. It took forever because our train was delayed and we had longer train rides then on the way there. We got dinner and dyed my hair then skyped mom and sorted stuff out for tomorrow.
Overall it was a great trip to Devon and the next time we will be here will be when I start University in October.

Until next time,


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