Thursday 13 September 2012


May 8, 2012

Today Heavens and I played hooky by calling in sick so that we could go into London and meet up with Karlee and her parents. They were visiting London for the week but this was the only day they had free from their tour so we went to meet them. We met at Hyde Park and then they wanted to go to the Aquarium so we all headed there. We looked at everything together and had a great time! Then we had lunch at a pub right next to the Aquarium by the Thames. Her parents treated us which was really nice. After lunch we decided to split up and her parents went off and we went off. We took Karlee to Piccadilly Circus to look around. We looked at a few shops then ended up buying tickets to see the show Chicago later tonight. While we waited for our show to start we went to Covent Garden and saw all the performers, ate amazing ice cream, and sat outside and chatted. Then we looked at a few more shops and headed back to Leicester Square for the show.  We were still early so we ate dinner at a restaurant near the theatre. We had an Italian meal which was nice. Then we went to see Chicago. We even got better seats because they had them available! It was wonderful! They did such a wonderful job with all the singing and acting. It was really cool how they used the stage as well. They hardly used any props and the orchestra was on the stage, they used the stage around them. The conductor even helped out acting a bit. They didn’t change the set at all either they just used different little props along the way. It was really cool. After the show we took Karlee back to her hotel to say goodbye. But before we said goodbye I asked her to be my bridesmaid in my wedding and she said yes!! YAY!!! That means we get to see her in August!! YAY!! We said our goodbyes and made our way home because we do have to be at work tomorrow haha. Overall it was a great day and I’m so glad I got to see Karlee and her parents in London!

Until next time,


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