Wednesday 17 November 2010

When in London

November 16, 2010

I was in the same school for two days, not by choice, but when they wanted me back I decided I might as well so at least I’ll have work. The reason I didn’t want to go back was not only because the children were not very good, but also because the school drove me nuts. I had to get all my information from the teacher across the hall who was a lunatic. She didn’t give me any sort of schedule for the kids so I never knew when things needed to be finished by or when things were happening. Then later she yelled at me for not picking the kids up from outside (well I had no clue what time to pick them up). I was given the lessons 10 minutes before I had to teach them. The children did not listen at all. Then during lunch I had to go to the crazy teacher again to get the plans for the rest of my day. She wanted me to do the copying…thank god I didn’t know how or where to do it. Then she decided to send me her TA from her classroom who did absolutely nothing except stand there. I was like yea you’re a big help! Not. Yet at the end of the day the teacher across the hall went to see if I could come in the next day so I guess I didn’t do such a bad day.

I went back today and one of the first things the other teacher says to me is “Can you not leave right at the end of the day today? I need help getting some things together.” Because apparently someone else is supposed to help her and isn’t so I have to. I was like great….. Then like yesterday I got my plans 10 minutes before I had to do them. Then during lunch again I had to go to her room, where she decided to talk about vibrators with her fellow teachers. Then had me do her planning for her on her computer and do the copying for all of the Year 1 teachers. When it was time to go home I took the kids outside to meet their parents at 3:05, since that is when the TA told me to. However, on my way out the other teacher stopped me because I was taking them out too early. So she made me stand there with my kids, who had no clue what was going on and were being rude and rowdy, in front of all the parents. I felt like a horrible teacher and that all the parents were thinking this. Plus she didn’t give me a list of students who were going to clubs so I had to trust that the kids knew where they were going and one mom freaked out because I didn’t know where her kid was. Then I go to the other teachers room to get ready to help her (mind you she had all afternoon without kids because they had art so she could have done the work then) and she says “oh never mind, you can go home.” I was like thank god and I left.

When I got home we decided to go into Romford to see the turning on of the Christmas lights/Christmas festival. I wasn’t too sure what to except, but it turned out to be really cool. They had a guy singing songs; they brought Santa out to sing/act around. Then Santa brought Frosty the Snowman and Jack Frost and some bird out lol. They all sang. Rudolph and his son came out. And we all sang along. Then finally they turned on the Christmas lights. We all did a countdown from ten and at one they turned on the Christmas lights on the lamp-posts and they had AMAZING fireworks. I thought the fireworks last week for Guy Fawkes day was amazing, these were even better!!! I’ll try putting pictures up but it will take me forever since facebook and my internet do not work well together.
Until next time.


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