Monday 29 November 2010

Been a while

November 17, 2010

I know it has been a while since I last wrote. I have been pretty busy. These past few days have been great. Saturday morning I got to video skype with my family. I was very excited since this was the first time in a month that I have seen them and the first time in about a week or more that I actually had a conversation with them. I have to admit I cried a little, but overall it was wonderful to catch up and see all of them!
Later we had a Thanksgiving dinner in our building to celebrate the holiday that was not celebrated on Thursday. It was really good. Not only did the Americans join in on the celebration but also people in our building who had never celebrated Thanksgiving before. Everyone brought a dish to pass; mine of course being store bought haha. We had turkey (of course), mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, grilled asparagus, cooked carrots, rolls, stuffing, cranberry sauce, plus more. And also tons of desert- pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie (which I had never had before and loved!), kiwi pie (gross don’t try it), peach and pear pie, cookies, brownies, banana bread, and more! And of course there was alcohol, which is always nice. We went around the table and each said our name and what we were thankful for. Then we ate more food than we could ever imagine eating. It was wonderful. Afterwards, a lot of us went into the lounge to continue drinking and decided to play apples to apples. All in all it was a great night….despite the crazy drunk French guy who took a million pictures of me, followed me around all night, almost killed people with knives while serving his pie, spilled alcohol all over the place (including on me) and didn’t care, cut himself with a butter knife then threw it at another girl, finally passed out and puked the next morning by the couch where he slept. Besides that whole fiasco, it was a great night!
Sunday, I went to see Harry Potter again! Just as good the second time around if not better. Although this time I knew when it was going to end and was dreading it the whole time.
And finally, today I was back at the school where I had the terrible class that made me never want to teach again. I walk in and find myself in that same class. Needless to say I was terrified. However, whatever happened in the month since I have been with them, they have changed dramatically. It was such a great day. They were wonderful and we got to have fun all day because they are getting ready for their Christmas play, so we practiced that all day and just had a lot of fun. I was super surprised at how good they were and very excited about it. I also came up with a great idea for their play. Since the teachers were having trouble with the children remembering when it was their turn to do something, I created signs with pictures and words for each character/characters and that way the teacher can hold them up and then that person/group of people know it is their turn. I am also going to be returning to that classroom tomorrow. Hopefully the children will be good again. And I have a feeling I am going to be in charge of holding the signs…..we will see.
Other than that, I have just been enjoying hanging out with friends, reading my books, writing in my journals, teaching children, and living it up in London.

P.S. I have decided to go to Scotland for New Years since I have no plans for Christmas. I am excited!!

Until next time,


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