Tuesday 23 November 2010


November 22, 2010

I have come to realize that I really do not enjoy subbing. I enjoy being with kids and teaching them. But the jobs I love the most are for more than one day or longer. I do not like being in a classroom for one day and that it is. The children do not listen, the planning is all wacky, you don't know anyones name (child or adult), you don't know the schedule or what to do for anything. It is just too confusing and hectic and really turns into more babysitting than anything. This has nothing to do with the country I am in, because thinking back I did not enjoy regular subbing at home either. I do not like waking up early and I do not enjoy going to work. These past couple weeks I have been wondering why I would rather stay home and sleep then go to work, when teaching was supposed to be my favorite thing to do. Thinking about it, I have come to this conclusion. I LOVE teaching, when it feels like it is my own classroom. I do not like teaching when I am in someone elses space, pretending to be them. Therefore, I cannot wait to get my own classroom and for now will suffer through the one day subbings knowing that on the weekend I get to visit places like the Tower of London, London Bridge, and hopefully soon places like Paris and Rome.

Until next time,


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