Sunday 14 November 2010

Getting Lost

November 11, 2010

So Rachel and I decided to try and walk to the pub ourselves Friday night. However, because it is Rachel and I, of course we ended up getting lost. We were going to take the bus, but we waited forever and it never came. So we were like it’s only straight with one turn we can do this. Yea… It’s not straight with one turn. It’s straight with two turns. We missed the vital turn. Instead, we kept walking straight FOREVER. Finally, we figured out we were going the wrong way. We were going to turn around and find out turn and go to the pub. However, along the way, my shoe broke. The bottom came off and I was practically walking in my sock. It was also raining so we were soaking wet. We decided to get a Rolo Mcflurry at McDonalds and walk home. Half way home we found out bus stop that would take us home. We were in the middle of the highway ready to cross our last street when we saw our bus coming. We dashed across the street and ran to the bus. We just barely made it. We got on and laughed the whole way home. It is just ridiculous how bad our luck is with directions and getting lost. So we bought a bottle of wine and drank it on the way home. Since here you can do that! Then we decided to watch a movie to take our mind off of our horrible luck.

Until next time,


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