Sunday 21 November 2010

This weekend

November 20, 2010

After work we went into Romford to shop before Harry Potter. After shopping we decided to go to a pub to eat before the movie. Rachel didn’t bring her passport with her because she didn’t want to lost that as well as her id. All we wanted was to order food. Apparently you can’t even be in a pub without id because as soon as we went to order they wouldn’t let Rachel order food. Then they said we had to leave. So we decided to go to another pub that we had been in earlier in the week where Rachel had been without her id and had even ordered a beer without her id. We went there and the same woman who waited on us last time came over and asked for our ids. Rachel said she had lost her but all she wanted to order was food. The woman said we couldn’t be in there. I said that we had been in there earlier in the week and got served and Rachel even bought alcohol without an id. The woman said “that was then this is now.” And whoever served you was wrong. I almost said, “It was you!” It was sooo funny yet sooo annoying at the same time. So we finally gave up and went to McDonalds instead. Then we went to see Harry Potter 7. In the theaters there are reserved special seating, with comfy chairs and in the best section of the theater to sit. It was so weird. But Harry Potter was AMAZING!!!! I didn’t want it to end! But unfortunately it had to. Although I might go see it again!

We went into London for Nicole’s birthday! First we went to earl’s Court to see the Tartus (a blue phone booth). Then we walked around a bit to Regent’s Park. It was beautiful. We saw so much wildlife. There were birds and swans, and ducks and squirrels (Rachel even got to feed a squirrel by HAND). She was soooooo excited! We saw a fountain and a waterfall and pretty trees. It was just so nice to walk around and take pictures. I’ll try to get them online as soon as I can (which will probably be a while). After the park we went to a pub for lunch. It was cool to get a meal and alcoholic drink for only 6 pounds. It was a really good meal too. A breaded chicken burger with chips (fries). Then some wine. Next we went to Hyde Park to see the Winter Wonderland. It was really cool. There were lots of people there but it was still cool. They had lots of rides and places to eat and lots of little shops. It was so cute. There was a talking reindeer and talking tree haha. It was nice to walk around the park. After that we went to Covent Garden. It was almost closing time (5 pm) so there wasn’t too much to see. But I bought a hat and we walked around a bit. Then we got some cupcakes to eat on the train for Nicole’s birthday! We headed to seven kings to go to a pub to drink. We got there and tried finding the pub but it was in a shady part of town and we couldn’t find the pub. So we decided to get on the train (it was free at this point) and go to goodmayes. As soon as we started pulling away, Rachel saw the pub we were trying to get to. We all laughed so hard. Got off at goodmayes and headed back to seven kings. We tried finding the pub again but accidentally walked in the complete opposite direction. Well like I said, it wouldn’t be an adventure if we didn’t get lost. So we finally made it to the pub. It was hoppin’ A fight within the first 5 mins of being there (guy’s nose bleeding). We had a few drinks. I had a nice green drink called Fat Frog haha. It was really good. Then we decided to leave. We stopped at a pizza place for food then headed home. Not even sure what time we got back lol. But I was a little tipsy and it was lots of fun!

Today I slept in, then went to Romford with Rachel. We did some shopping and looked at the interesting things in the mall…like snow globes you can get inside and get your picture taken, or hair being done in the aisle of the mall. Oh and I was in a store, after shopping at other places so I had bags in my hand, and this guy that worked there came up to me and said, “You need a bag” I thought he was asking me if I needed one and was going to get me one. Apparently he was telling me I needed one because after I said ok he said, “They are up front you can go get one now.” I was so flabbergasted I went to get one. But then was appalled thinking about it. That was soooo rude. After we came home and I wrapped Christmas gifts and uploaded picture to facebook and got to watch Desperate Housewives!!! But now that it is 0.01 (12:01 am) I really should go to bed.

Until next time


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