Thursday 18 November 2010

Weird Day

November 18, 2010

Today was one of the strangest days I’ve had since I’ve been here. And you know your day is going to be weird when at 4:40 in the morning you hear this loud sound that you can’t figure out what it is. You grab your alarm clock which then turns on and not only do you have this loud sound ringing in your room but your annoying buzzing alarm clock is going. You push some buttons and try to unplug it from the wall (while really unplugging the fan). Then you grab your coat and shoes because you realize it is the fire alarm. You go outside in the freezing cold with everyone else in the building, but can barely recognize anyone because you haven’t grabbed your glasses so you can’t see. You find out that it is a false alarm and return to your room. But now you have to pee. So you quickly pee and try to fall back asleep, knowing that you will have to be up in less than two hours and your heart is still racing from being jolted out of a deep sleep. So you finally fall back asleep only to be woken up 20 minutes later to an annoying buzzing sound. This time you don’t wonder what it is, you curse the person setting off the fire alarm and grab your coat and shoes. You go sit in the hallway because you know it is not a real fire and discuss with the whole building whether or not its worth it to go back to bed.

Well that’s how my morning started. Once finally awake and at school, I saw a sign on the door saying the school was closed for some inset thing. I was really confused. I walked to the school next to it and realized I had been at the right school to begin with. I was just about to call my employer when I saw someone approaching the building. I asked if the school really was closed today. She responded with “No” in a way that make me think I was stupid for asking that. Even though there was a sign clearly on the front door. I met the deputy head…who is basically like the vice principal, since the head teacher would be like the principal. And she was wearing a regular long sleeve shirt, black stretchy pants and sneakers…weird. My first placement was in a reception class. The TA in the classroom was wearing a blue sweater with blue knit shorts with black leggings underneath and leg warmers up to her knees with sneakers…weird. The teacher only left me to teach for about 30 minutes then came back and did p.e. with the class for over an hour (which I helped out with- basically helping a child who had no clue what was going on find his clothes because he lost them). Oh and some of the boys wear tights to keep warm under their trousers….weird. Then I went into the staff room for lunch and find a cat in there. Yes I said CAT; a cat just eating his/her dinner while we ate too. WEIRD. After that I was in a Year 1 class which actually went really well. The children were all good and we got through everything we needed to. The highlight of my school day was not having to mark any of their work because at this school they don’t mark everything….fine by me!

Came home and got a package from my mummy. I was super excited!!!! She sent me sweatpants (one that I asked for and one as a surprise) a card, a stuffed animal giraffe and CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER!!!! No wonder I love her!!

Until next time,

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