Thursday 11 November 2010


November 9, 2010

There are many differences between England and America, although you wouldn’t think it because they both speak English. However, the English spoken over here is like a whole different language. Not only are some words completely different, some are spelled differently. I will make a list of the different words and their meanings at the end of this blog. But for now I want to skip the language and talk about everything else. One thing of course would be the drinking age. Over here it is 18. You also have to be over 18 to buy any kind of knife….even butter knives. The eggs over here are not refrigerated and that creeps me out so I probably won’t ever buy eggs. There are meat shops with the whole chicken/pig just hanging in the window. I even saw one with a pig head hanging in the window….needless to say I’ll never go there. There are also meat stands like that as well. Tea is offered with everything and all throughout the day. Religious education is taught in schools (apparently it is about all religions not just one). There is a holiday called Guy Fawkes day which remembers when a guy tried blowing up parliament but failed. And also Veteran’s Day is called Remembrance Day. Math is called Maths. All the children must sit up nicely. In Math the ones column is called the units column. The children have to take the public transportation to school there are no school buses. Internet and phones cost a lot more. Food is a lot cheaper which is nice. There is free healthcare to everyone so you can just walk into a health care provider and get service. Phone numbers are really long and hard to remember. Dryers don’t do much and most places don’t even have them and the electricity over here is more powerful (p.s. don’t try to use the curling irons from America over here, it kills them). The plugs are different so you need an adapter. Military time is the time on alarm clocks so when it says 0.00 it is midnight (which I still can’t get used to, I always think my alarm clock is broken lol). They do not understand sarcasm. Overall there are small differences between America and Great Britain, however the word differences are a lot greater…..

Different words:
Bin- garbage
Full stop- period
Trousers- pants
Pants- underwear
Jumper- sweatshirt
Rubber- eraser
Rub off- erase
Toilets/loo- bathroom
Tuck in- push in (ex: tuck in your chairs)
Sensible- respectful
Silly- rude/miss-behaving
Dodgy- sketchy
Zed- letter Z
Medical Office- Nurse
Register- attendance
Corridor- Hallway
Cross- Mad
Playtime- recess
Are you alright?- How are you?
Investigation- Experiment
Mind out- Watch out
Tick- Checkmark
Biscuit- cookie
Bloody- Damn
Blow Off- Fart
Bobby- policeman
Bonnet- car hood
Boot- car trunk
Candy floss- cotton candy
Car park- parking lot
Cheers- goodbye
Chemist- pharmacist
Chips- French fries
Crisps- potato chips
Dummy- pacifier
Fag- cigarette
Faggot- meatball
Fairy cake- cupcake
Fizzy drink- soda
Flat- apartment
Fringe- bangs
Fruit machine- slot machine
Give way- yield
Hob- stove burner
Holiday- vacation
Ice lolly- popsicle
Lolly- lollipop
Jelly- Jell-O
Knackered- exhausted
Knickers- ladies panties
Knock-up- wake up
Mental- wild
Nappy- diaper
Petrol- gas
Pillar box- mailbox
Pissed- drunk
Plaster- band-aid
Pram- baby carriage
Public school- private school (ironic huh)
Pushchair- stroller
Queue- line
Randy- horny
Fanny- Vagina
Rubbish- bad
Settee- couch
Shag- intercourse
Snogging- kissing
Soda- soda water (not pop)
Spend a penny- urinate
Starkers- buck naked
Stone- 14 pounds (weight)
State School- public school
Telly- TV
Tight as a fish’s bum- cheapskate
Tin- can
Torch- flashlight
Wee- urinate
Whinge- wine
Wind up- tease
Yob- hooligan
Zebra crossing- crosswalk

Now can you see how an American can get really confused or really confuse a British person over here??

Words spelled differently:

Therefore, living in a different country, even if it speaks the same language as you can be a bit difficult! But I will figure things out as I go along.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. I've really got to remember that pants does NOT mean the same thing here! That's the worst one here.
