Monday 8 November 2010

Another day in another town

November 3, 2010

Today I had my second placement in a school. I was in year 1 so 5-6 year olds. I figured this was going to be super easy, I love kindergarteners! However, I love American kindergarteners, not English ones. It also didn't help that the school I was in was so disorganized. First of all they couldn't even remember who was out then when they figured it out they weren't sure who the teacher was I was even subbing for. They acted like they didn't know her! Then nobody introduced themselves to me so half the time I didn't know who I was talking to. Then the kids came in and all they did all day was yell. Not talk, yell! They didn't know how to carry on a conversation without yelling. I asked them repeatedly to talk quietly. I offered them stickers if they did a good job, I tried bribing them with a book (which I ended up reading anyways and they barely paid attention to that), I tried threatening them with punishments from their teacher if they didn't do their job. Nothing worked. At one point I literally sat down and said I give up. Of course the kids didn't notice or care. So I got up, turned off the lights (un-knowlingly also turning off the lights to the classroom next to me...ooops), told the kids to put their heads down and close their mouths and for once in the day I had ten minutes of silence. They say silence in was a fricken gold bar! We're allowed to pick one school we don't want to go back to and despite this terrible day I'm afraid to pick this school, because I have a feeling it could get worse and probably will. Therefore, I will hang in there. Well that is all for today, not much else happened and it's been a long and exhausting day. I have had a headache from all the screaming. Hopefully tomorrow will be a new adventure and a better day!

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Wow girl! That does not sound like a great day! I think it is great that you are willing to give the school another chance! That is definately the attitude you need to keep up. Keep your head up and do not let that day discourage you! You made it through block at can make it through anything :0)
