Saturday 6 November 2010

Online Journal

November  1, 2010

So even though I am keeping four journals over here, I figured I'd keep a blog for you all to keep track of me while I'm gone. I'll try to update this as much as possible, but the internet over here sucks and I rarely get service. But feel free to comment on my posts and of course you can try to skype me or im me which are the two fastest ways to talk to me.

I have been here for about a week now and am realizing that every little thing I do is a new experience for me. Being in a different country definitly changes your outlook on things. The things that took up most of my time back home now don't seem as important. But change is a good thing and I am embracing each new experience. It has taken me a while to adjust to the time change, living conditions, new people, and of course the stupid technology. But things are coming together.

I live in a dorm like building with communal showers, bathroom, kitchen, living room/lounge, but I do have my own room. My room is a nice size, it actually seems bigger than the one at home. And for the most part the people that live in my building are nice.

I am currently 5 hours ahead of all of you, so don't be surprised if I don't answer you right away as usually it is late at night before any of you have time to talk.

I have traveled throughout London this whole week. Getting lost almost every time, but having fun while doing it. I have been to Romford, Barking, Kings Cross, and everywhere in between. It had definitly been an adventure and soon I'll be traveling a little further.

I am learning the British accent and also all the different words. Even though everyone speaks English, sometimes it is like they are speaking a new language. For example, "Excuse me miss, can you pass me a rubber and the bin for my rubbish?" actually means "Miss Soda I need an eraser and the garbage for my trash" But I will get there eventually, and if I mess up the kids definitly let me know. Like when I told the kid he didn't have any periods in his paragraph and he gave me a blank stare, I remembered they were called full stops.

The schools over here definitly need our help. There are a lot of things that I learned during school that would help make these children better in school and I look forward to when I get my own classroom and can implement them. Until then, I will continue going from classroom to classroom and seeing the differences in each school. I had my first day with nursery (3-4 year olds) yesterday and enjoyed it for the most part. Of course the children are adorable but they can also be stubborn and rude at times. I had to tell them they were being silly and not sensible lol. But overall it was a good day, although I do think I prefer 5 year olds over them all.

Well I think that is all for now, if you want to comment and ask me any questions I'll answer them in my next post, whenever that may be. Miss you all!

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. This is going to be interesting hearing all of your stories! The language cracks me up! I never would have thought it would be THAT different. I'm glad you're enjoying things. Be sure to put up pictures (probably will have to be on facebook?). Love ya!
