Friday 15 August 2014

Sister, Sister!

July 29th-August 2nd, 2014

July 29th- Today we got up early and said goodbye to Jonathan L. Then Heavens’ parents drove us to Chelmsford to Tammy, Todd, Olive, and Wilbur’s house were Amelie was visiting. We got to meet Wilbur for the first time!!!!!!!! J YAY!!! We played with the kids, had dinner then said goodbye to Heaven’s parents for now and watched the Devil Inside (stupid movie) with Tammy before bed.
July 30th- Today we got up early and hung out with Amelie, Olive, and Wilbur then we went with them and Tammy to the park and took some cool pics! We got some ice cream and headed back to Tam’s for dinner and to talk with Todd outside for a bit. I put Olive to bed which was nice and then later we went to bed.
July 31st- Today we got up early and hung out. Then Heaven’s mum and dad came and went with Olive and Tammy to Olive’s horseback riding class. We watched Amelie and Wilbur and when they got back we all had dinner together and then had to say goodbye to Heaven’s mum and dad as they were going to be going back to Devon. Then I got to put Wilbur to bed which was absolutely lovely! He just looked at me the whole time I fed him his bottle. We talked with Tammy and Todd a bit then skyped my mom before bed.
August 1st- Today we got up early and headed to the park with Olive, Wilbur and Tammy. Tammy and Wilbur did Baby Boot Camp while we played with Olive. Then we went home for lunch and then into town for some shopping and dunkin donuts! Then we went back and attempted to make loom bands although it was difficult. We had dinner and Heavens put Wilbur to bed. Then we had a nice fire outside with drinks, music, and marshmallows and Heavens mastered making loom band bracelets. We chatted a bit then went to bed.
August 2nd- Today we were up early and got ready. Laura and Charlie came over and we all went to Tropical Wings animal park. We first went into the butterfly house which was cool. We even had a butterfly on our fingers! Then we saw some fish and the birds. And we moved onto the tortoise and lemurs. Then my favourite part which was feeding the Wallabies!! They were in an area where you could pet them and feed them! So cool!! I’ve never even seen one up close and I got to feed it! Then we had some lunch and then watched a bird show where there was a cool raven who flew over our heads. We went to the park and had a little climbing challenge and got some ice cream then saw the goats and got to pet them and the meerkat talk. Then we saw the cool tucans and went home. Then we said our goodbyes to Laura and Charlie as we don’t know if we will see them again before we go to America L. Then we made some loom band bracelets and had dinner. Then I attempted to dye Heaven’s hair, we did our nails and watched part of the Conjuring lol before turning it off for bed.

Overall it was a great time spent with Heaven’s sisters!

Until next time,


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