Saturday 16 August 2014

Croyde Holiday

August 9th-12th, 2014

9th- Today we got up early and got ready then Vic (Larissa’s step-dad) drove us to the station and we took the train to Barnstaple. We waited in Costa for Tammy to pick us up then we went to Tesco’s to pick up a few things. Tammy took us back to the camp to see our holiday home and we had dinner with Todd, Olive, and Wilbur. Then we had a chat before bed.
10th- Today we got up early and had breakfast and hung out. Then we got ready and went to the beach. It was very, very windy so the sand was being blown everywhere. I made a heart in the sand and then Heavens and Tammy attempted to fly a kite but because it was sooo windy it didn’t work very well although I did get some pretty funny videos! The kite kept wipping around and hit Heavens and almost hit a couple walking by. Tammy finally got it flying then it broke. Heavens tried but it broke and Tammy had to chase my poncho along the beach which was so funny! We decided to go back and eat lunch then we went to the park with Olive and played catch and Todd and Heavens did the obstacle course. Then we went back and watched the Jungle Book with Olive and Wilbur and after dinner played cards before bed.
11th- Today we got up early and had breakfast with storytelling then we went with Tammy and Wilbur to Tescos while Olive and Todd went surfing. When we got back after Heavens dropped a box of beer on her foot we had lunch then we all went to the park and played catch while Todd slept. We bought 2 pound kites and realized why they were 2 pounds. The only one that really worked was Heavens but we continued to try for a while. Mine only spun in circles lol. We went back and watched Kung Fu Panda then had dinner. Heavens put Wilbur to bed and then Heavens and I walked on the beach to see the sun set. The water was actually quite warm so we rolled up our pants although they got soaked anyways and put our feet in. Then we sat on the beach for a while although it was still windy so sand was going everywhere. We watched the sun setting and took some really cool photos. Then we walked back and saw the sun set behind the clouds which made the sky look beautiful. Once back we played cards again before bed.
12th- Today we got up early and had breakfast and hung out a bit. Then we decided to walk to Baggy Point. It was beautiful. The walk along the water was so pretty and once there even though the rain was coming and it was super windy it was really pretty. Heavens and I took Olive to a cafe for lunch while Tammy and Toddy took Wilbur home as it was rainy and cold. Then we walked back and watched Avatar. We then got Olive ready for a fancy dress competition and did a last minute home-made outfit which in turn made her win! She was a bird. We ate dinner then took her to the clubhouse to watch the kids show before the competition. While there we checked our email and thank god we did because we found out we have an interview tomorrow morning at 8am. Now it is 8pm at the minute and we need to get back to London some 5 hours away! We packed the quickest ever and got in the car with Todd and Wilbur since we thought we were only going to Barnstaple. However along the way we found out there were no more trains and only one train from another stop but it was fully booked. Thank goodness for Todd and Tim who each drove halfway to meet up and bring us back to London at 1 am. We got everything ready for the interview and then went to bed, although we didn’t get much sleep.
It was a great few days in Croyde, unfortunately we couldn’t stay the whole time but the interview is what we have been waiting for! 

Until next time,


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