Wednesday 6 August 2014

Final Days of Work

July 17-18th, 2014

17th - Today at work I got some goodbye gifts from my parents. I got a smoking incense man, a friend book and a Meerane book. It was very sweet and the card was in English which was lovely. I cried because they did this all by themselves and it was really nice.
18th- Today was our last day at work. My day started by Nico giving me a sunflower at my car and telling me that I am his sun. How cute!! Then I had a little goodbye party with my kids. We ate some food and listened to music then made pinecone bird feeders. Then the whole school had a lovely party for me. It started with a dance performance from Silke’s class then each class prepared a little something to give me. It was all very sweet. Then I got a little gift of a candle holder, Saxony book, and Meerane bag. I said my goodbyes which was hard, especially saying goodbye to Moni. I left at 12 to go sort out the flat. Heavens met me a little while later and we met everyone to move out all of our furniture. We sorted out our flat so it was empty then went to Megan’s house to drop off our bags. We got ready and went to Maria’s house for her house party. Lots of people showed up, mostly Maria’s Spanish friends and we had a wonderful time. Norman showed up too lol! Heavens and David did some drawings of each other and Till had some f**cking good songs! We drank some Sangria and Mojito’s which were very, very nice. Then we made our way into Chemnitz to go to a club. We did some dancing and enjoyed the night then drove Maria home, said our goodbye’s and went to Megan’s house. 
 Overall it was a good last day at school!

Until next time,


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