Saturday 23 August 2014


August 13, 2014

Happy Birthday Matt!! First I want to say a special happy birthday to my brother Matt! Next I want to explain how the day went when we FINALLY got our interview!
We got up super, super early to make our way into London. We had to get up early because we needed to find somewhere who could print our visa appointment letter. Luckily after asking around we finally found this really nice hotel London Mariott Hotel Marble Arch who were amazing! They let us print our paper, and even offered to let us store our bag there while we went to the interview! We went and got in line and then found out that I couldn’t go with Heavens, she had to go alone. So I sent her on her way and went back and picked up the bag then went to Starbucks to wait in agony wondering what would happen....Finally two hours later she appeared with good news and bad news. Good news was that we have a visa as long as we (bad news now) fill in another form and have it sent from America then send it to the embassy. YAY!!!!!! She said the interview wasn’t really an interview after all, more like just checking our paperwork and because we had one wrong form (not clearly stated online) we had to fix it before she could get a visa. So we skyped mom to tell her what to do and then we went back to Tim and Larissa’s to sleep as it had been a very stressful morning. Later that night we ordered pizza and hung out, being very excited about what the day had brought!

Until next time,


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