Friday 15 August 2014

Back to the Bros

August 3rd-8th, 2014

August 3rd- Today we got up early and had breakfast with Wilbur, Olive, and Todd and we played Bingo before saying goodbye and heading on the Train to London. We went to Trafalgar Square where Clare met us! YAY! We walked to Chinatown and went to a Chinese restaurant for Dim Sum and Igor met us. We had a nice chat and ate good food then walked to a cake shop for dessert. We talked some more, catching up and talking about the baby!! Then we went to Baby Gap AWWW lol. She is having a boy, so excited! Then we said our goodbyes and made our way back to Tim’s house. We waited for Larissa to get home and then we had dinner and Tim, Heavens and I drank loads and stayed up chatting until 3am!
August 4th- Happy Birthday Larissa!! Unfortunately Larissa had to work today. So we just had a very lazy day as we were all very hung over. Then we went out and got some things to decorate the flat so when Larissa got home we surprised her. We danced a bit then played Pass the Parcel then Amelie went to bed and we had dinner and birthday cake and chatted a bit before bed.
August 5th- Happy 3 year Anniversary to Us! We got up and watched Maleficent with Larissa then we took Amelie to the park and blew bubbles which she loved! Then we went home and Tim was there so we ordered pizza and hung out. Then we watched The Box (rubbish film) and went to bed.
August 6th- Today we got up and relaxed all day just hanging out. When Tim got home we found out Amelie had eaten a coin at her babysitters so they had to go to the hospital. We had to stay in to change our flights and we decided to go to Croyde next week with Tammy. They came back and Amelie was okay! Then we ate dinner and watched the Great British bake off before bed.  
August 7th- Today we got up early and Tim and Larissa went to the docs and got a scan of their new baby!!! YAY!!! Then they both had to go to work. We relaxed then Tim came home and took us into town for Burgers and Shakes. Amazing! We had a nice chat then went home and Tim picked up Amelie and then Larissa came home and we hung out before bed.
August 8th- Today we got up early and got ready then took the train into London with Tim, Larissa, and Amelie. It was a surprise for Larissa so she didn’t know where we were going. We stopped at Notting Hill Gate and took her to Portebello Road/Market. She had never been before. She was really surprised. We spent the day looking around at all the little stands and then got some smoothies and stopped at a Spanish restaurant for lunch/dinner. We had some Paella and Tapas and wine. We also saw a street performer doing the Limbo and we gave Amelie money to put in his hat but she decided to take the hat lol. So then she wanted to do the Limbo so she went over and did it. Then we walked back and Larissa got a bracelet for her birthday. Then we went to visit her friend who works at a shop near David Beckham’s house and he regularly goes to this shop. Then we got the tube home and I tried out the new poncho going to the shops in the rain. We made crepes and watched the IT Crowd before bed.

Overall it was a great time spent with the family.

Until next time,


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