Friday 15 August 2014

Devon Dumplings

July 24th- 28th, 2014

24th- Happy Birthday John!! Today we got up early and headed into London to get Heaven’s second medical check. I waited outside for an hour because I wasn’t sure how long she was going to be and after an hour she was done! That was great. But bad news was our bus wasn’t for another five hours. So we decided to head to London Victoria to try to change our bus. Unfortunately they were all sold out. But they said we might be able to get on a bus if someone doesn’t show up. So each time a bus came we attempted to get on it but could never so finally 5 hours later we got on our bus. It took another 5-6 hours because of traffic to get to Devon. We slept a lot and watched Maleficent on the bus ride. We also got to see Stonehenge which was cool and we finally arrived to say hi to Mum, Dad, Jonathan, Laura, Louis, and Charlie (who was asleep). We chatted for a bit then went to bed.
25th- Today we got up early and got to see Charlie bear! We got ready and went to Salcombe with Laura, Louis, Charlie, and Dad. We went to the beach and walked along it then went in the water a little bit. I attempted to kayak although I didn’t feel sturdy enough so decided it was best just to let Heavens go. Then we had lunch at the Winking Prawn and Heavens got her t-shirt. We also had an ice cream and then went back to the beach to play with Charlie. Then we went home and relaxed and then we went with Heaven’s Mum to get some shopping done before home for dinner and to watch Maleficent. We also got to meet Jonathan’s new girlfriend Sophie.
26th- Today we were up very early and had an argument with Laura over silly things. Then Laura, Louis, Charlie and Dad went for a walk while we went with Mum into town for some shopping and coffees. Once home I had some IRS drama and had to skype Mom to sort it out. Laura came home and after a while everything was sorted and we had Fish and Chips for dinner and watched our wedding video. Then bed.
27th- Today we were up early and all made our way to Plymouth to go to the aquarium. It was really cool to see all the fish and animals. We looked around with Charlie and had a good time walking over and under the sharks and seeing the turtle. Then we walked into town and I got to see the Plymouth steps where the Pilgrims left England to go to America. Then we found some food. We found a really nice burger place. I also had some Devon Cream ice cream. Then we walked to the shops and then home. We watched some of Formula 1 and then Laura and Louis and Charlie left. We said bye and then had dinner and watched the movie Olympus Has Fallen before bed.
28th- Today we were up early and cleaned then got ready and headed to clean the hall and go to Tesco’s. Then home and dinner- burgers then skyped Mom for more IRS drama before bed.
Overall it was a great time in Devon!

Until next time,


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