Friday 15 August 2014

London Bound

July 21st-24th, 2014

July 21st- Today we began our very early journey to the airport. A big shout out to Meehan who drove us! We saw a big truck on fire on the other side of the road along our way. Thank god this was not a sign and we actually had some really good flights. After saying goodbye to Meehan we checked in and waited for our flight. Then arrived in Stuttgart and waited for our next flight were we realized we actually bought an upgraded ticket! Sweet! As we were coming into London through the clouds they parted just as we passed over the Thames and we got a stunning view of my bridge. What a beautiful sight! Then arrived in Heathrow and after waiting almost an hour got our bags. Tim met us and took us back to his house to see Larissa and Amelie. Then we went into town for some shopping and ice cream then home for dinner and relaxing! It was great to see family!
July 22nd- Today we got up early with Amelie and watched princess films and did lots of puzzles as this is her favourite thing to do! We wanted to go to the park but needed to stay home for the guy to come look at the boiler. Tim came home early and we all went into town for some bits. Then Larissa came home and we had dinner and played Euchre with a few mess ups lol but Larissa and I won! Then bed.
July 23rd- Today we got up early with Amelie and watched more Disney films and puzzles lol. Then the man came to fix the boiler so we could finally go out. We went to the park and Amelie took her scooter. We played on the playground then got her some ice cream before heading back. Then we gave Amelie a bath and Larissa’s parents picked Amelie up. Tim and Larissa came home and we ate dinner then Tim, Heavens and I went to meet up with Tim’s friend Gwilym who was really funny. We went to the park with him and his wife and son. We had some drink and played Frisbee with his son. Then Tim, Heavens, Gwilym and I went to a pub- not the classy wine bar- lol and had two drinks. Heavens couldn’t drink because she had her medical the next day so she was our DW (Designated Walker lol) as after many laughs, questions, and good fun, we walked home very drunk!
July 24th- Today we were up super early and took the bus with Larissa then made our way into London for Heavens second medical. I decided to wait outside as we had our big bag to travel to Devon with and I was hoping she wouldn’t be too long. And she wasn’t. About an hour later she came out all finished and healthy. We made our way to Victoria but our bus wasn’t for another 5 hours. We attempted to buy earlier tickets and attempted to get on buses throughout the day but couldn’t manage so spent most of the day in the bus station. Then finally got on our bus and travelled the long 5-6 hour journey to Devon, seeing Stonehenge on the way which was cool. We finally arrived and said hi to Heavens parents, Jonathan, Laura, and Louis (Charlie was already asleep). Then we went to bed!

Overall it was a great few days in London and we know it will be a great time in Devon.

Until next time,


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