Monday 26 March 2012


February 3, 2012

Today after work we went home quickly to eat dinner then headed into London to see the show Wicked! We got 2nd row seats really cheap because they were towards the side of the stage and it was hard to see things towards the back of the stage, however you could see almost everything. The show was absolutely amazing! I didn’t know much about it before we went and I loved it! I loved the storyline; it really makes you feel sorry for the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz. The actors were amazing and had amazing voices! We got some alcohol and green ice cream! Lol to go with the green theme! I would definitely recommend this show to anyone! I would love to go see it again that is how much I loved it. I think I would still put the Lion King as my top favourite but this would be 2nd. I loved it!
Until next time,


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