Tuesday 6 March 2012

Our Engagement Party

November 19, 2011

Sorry it has taken me so long to write this, very busy times but I’m catching up now. So what better way to catch up than to start where I left off- Our Engagement Party!
Ok so we got all dressed up and looking our best and met up with Terisa and Dan. We made our way to the O2 Arena and out in front saw this massive giant swing. I begged Heavens to go on it with me. It spun you around up in the air. She was scared but said yes. We did it and it was so cool! Heavens was scared but it was awesome. They best part though was after the ride when we met up with Terisa and Dan who had been taking the pictures and video and they told us that Heavens butt had been showing the entire time!!! HAHA. After we went inside and realized the place we wanted to go wouldn’t be enough room for everyone so we decided to go to TGI Fridays instead. We got a cocktail and waited for the rest of the group to show up. Robin, Clare and her friend, and Rachel met us and we all had dinner together. It was really nice chatting with everyone and telling them about how we got engaged. The girls had told the waitress we were engaged and asked if they did anything special for it so late in the night the waitress brought out a chocolate cake and ice cream and they all sang to us for our engagement. It was so sweet! We shared our cake and ate our lovely food and had some yummy drinks. Afterwards, everyone went to the Sports Bar (where we were going to go for dinner) and we did a round of shots (slippery nipples) and chatted some more. Then we all made our way back home. It was a lovely night of catching up and celebrating our engagement with the people we love <3
Until next time,


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