Thursday 8 March 2012

Ciao Bella!

December 14, 2011

Today after work Heavens and I met up and went to Hyde Park’s Winter Wonderland and looked around a bit. We drank some mulled wine and tried to stay warm by eating a crepe and shopping a bit. Then we headed to Bayswater to wait for Karlo and Guiseppe. It was really cool that they had come to London and we were going to meet up since the last time I saw them/first time I met them was over the summer on the Eiffel Tower in Paris! When they arrived we thought about a place to eat. As a joke I motioned to the Italian place across the road. They thought it was a good idea so we went there for some Italian food. After dinner we decided to wander around London a bit and figure out what to do. We headed to Piccadilly Circus and decided to go to Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. We knew from the moment we walked in that this was a good idea. The woman standing at the door not only spoke Italian but she was quite fond of teachers and decided to give us the student discount on top of the coupon we already had. Once in there were so many things to look at. The building had 5 floors! Plus we got tickets into everything they had to offer! We began and saw so many cool things I don’t think I could describe all of them! Some of the amazingly cool things were: the giant rocking chair (of course we sat in it!), we pretended to have no legs! (since one of the believe it or not things was a guy tight roping across two buildings on his HANDS!), we pretended to wear chastity belts (PRETENDED), and we attempted all the crazy things they asked us to do. For example, trying to roll our tongues in a mirror……a two way mirror hahaha. We didn’t realize that until we got to the other side lol. Once on the other side they also had a video of people who had come through Ripley’s and attempted to roll their tongue lol. It was great! Once we were finished looking at all the amazing things in the museum we went through the mirror maze. The first thing you needed to do was put plastic gloves on because they didn’t want you to leave smudges when you bumped into the mirrors. I was wondering why we didn’t have plastic on our heads haha. The maze was crazy because it literally looked like the person in front of you was directly in front of you but in reality they were miles away in the mirror! The best park though was finding a bit in the mirror that someone had obviously bumped into it haha. We did make it through however! After the maze we got to walk through the spinning tunnel. It was so funny because you start off walking normally but because it’s neon and spinning you feel like you are tilting so you lean to stay on balance lol. We all walked through together to get our picture and then got magnets of the picture J. Then we moved onto the LASER CHALLENGE! This was super cool! Like everything else in the museum. We each took turns going into this room filled with light lasers. We had to get through the lasers and touch two points on the walls then touch the vault on the way out and we were timed while doing it. It also counts how many times you touch the lasers. Guiseppe decided to go first. What an interesting first attempt haha. He went in and we all could watch on the screen what he was doing. He started off fine but then randomly disappeared. We couldn’t find him on the screen! We are all staring at the screen wondering where he went when all of a sudden he showed up standing next to us! HAHA It was soooo funny! He somehow managed to find an exit lol. Needless to say his time wasn’t very good haha. Next went Karlo, then Heavens, then Me. Finally, Guiseppe went again. We compared scores and needless to say I won lol. Of course! I’m just that agile! I did notice at one point that I did an amazing move to get through the maze. I like jumped over and under the lasers together. But, yup I WON! J After that hilarious adventure we got a Cinnabon YUM!! And said our sad goodbyes L and headed home. It was so great to see them and I hope we get to again. They are so cool and I’m so glad we became friends after an unlikely meeting.

Until next time, 


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