Monday 26 March 2012


February 9, 2012

Yesterday began my birthday celebrations as mom and dad let me open my gifts early because they both wouldn’t be together today for my birthday so I opened them! I got lots of pretty necklaces! I also got some clothes! (She knows me too well haha) And lots of candy!! YUM!
Today I turned 24! Can you believe it?? I can’t! I feel so old! LOL. Today at work the girls gave me some gifts- a London wallet, London ear phones, and a London bracelet (see the theme here?) Plus I got a cake for lunch! YUM! When I got home I had more presents to open! Kimi got me some socks, chocolate, and air fresheners, and of course a cherry card and cherry wrapping paper- she also knows me too well! I opened some cards J Then it was Heavens turn. I got some more necklaces, an Ariel key chain, the book- No Matter what. My next gift was a little confusing at first. It was a star key chain with Danielle ‘Cherry’ Soda on it and some coordinates. The next gift explained because it was a certificate saying I have my own STAR!! MY VERY OWN STAR!! Named after me!! I cried when I opened it, it was so sweet! I love her! Then she told me I had more presents to open on Saturday!! Heavens made me chicken parm for dinner….my fav! We watched t.v. and cuddled before bed J Such a great birthday! On Saturday I got my final gift. I got an e-mail that said I had to go to the London Zoo website. On there I would find my very own giraffe named Elise! She’s mine!!!!! Heavens adopted her for me!! With it, I got a free ticket to the zoo to go see my giraffe and a subscription to the zoo magazine! AHHH!!!! Not only do I have my very own star but my very own giraffe!! I’ve always wanted a pet giraffe but I never thought I’d actually get one!!! She did good! We decided it was too cold to go to the zoo today and we might not see my girl so we are going to wait until nicer weather to go see her! I had an amazing birthday and I have no idea how Heavens is going to top this next year….we will have to wait and see.
Until next time,


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