Sunday 11 March 2012

Devon Christmas

December 19-28, 2011

For Christmas break this year we decided to go down to Devon to have Christmas with Heavens parents and brother.
19th-Today I got up early to go to the doctors and pharmacy so I had everything I needed for the break. Then we went to the CafĂ© for breakfast which was yummy. We got ready and travelled to Devon which took forever!! And was very interesting lol. We went to Barking then Paddington- where Heavens got me a coffee but it didn’t taste right so she had to bring it back- then a train to Devon. When we were just about there Heavens reached in her pocket and realized she had bought pancakes when she got coffee. She showed me and I said that if she hadn’t had to take my coffee back she might have remembered it. However, she heard that if she hadn’t taken my coffee back that would’ve been awkward. LOL. So basically that was the running joke the whole break. ‘That would’ve been awkward!’ We got a cab to Heavens parents’ house and saw her mom and brother; her dad was away at the time, and chatted and relaxed after a long day.
20th- Today we got up early and travelled to Exeter Campus to have a tour. The campus is really nice and small with a very nice library. Then we met up with the professor that teaches my course and she seemed really cool and the course seems really interesting…except the Thesis I have to write which is like a million words! Well maybe not that many but still! Good thing I will have a lot of time to write it. We got a cab to the other campus and just barely managed to meet with the financial aide person which was good because she gave us some paperwork and good advice. She also said I didn’t have to worry about the deposit that I was freaking out about! YAY! She said that my financial aide would cover it. We got some lunch at a little shop near the train station then headed back to her parents’ house and awaited her dad to come home that night. We told them all our about visit and how good it was!
21st- Today we took a trip into Newton Abbot- walking, to do some shopping and I got my bangs cut (for free J ). We looked in a few charity shops with her parents then got some groceries and headed home.
22nd- Today Heavens Dad took us for a drive to Torquay Bay. It wasn’t the nicest of days but the bay was beautiful! We drove through Teignmouth and along the bay and we took a stroll around with Rosie and took some pictures. It was really pretty and really cool. We were right by the shore and the sea and it was so lovely. Then we went back to Heavens parents’ house to relax for the night.
23rd- Today was our Christmas dinner. We got all dressed up and looking lovely and then headed to Coombe Cellars for a 3 course meal. Our seat was right by the window so we could see the water from where we sat. We had a lovely meal of a Roast and sticky toffee pudding- yum, yum. We saw some ducks/swans and it was cool seeing the train across the water- which was the train we took to Exeter-. After dinner we went to Marks and Spencers to get some food for Christmas Day and then to Heavens parents’ house for the night.
24th- Happy Christmas Eve! Today we went into town for a bit of shopping then to Heavens Nan’s house. I met her Nan and Uncles and Aunts. We chatted for a bit and talked about the wedding and everything then went to Heavens parents’ house for the night. We were going to go out for a drink on Christmas Eve but I wasn’t feeling very well so we decided to relax at home instead.
25th- Merry Christmas!!! Today we stayed home all day! We opened our presents and watched everyone else open theirs. Then we played some games. We played a detective game, then Trivial Pursuit where I had the new running joke of ‘Fit as a bagpipe!’ Lol. Then we played Cheat (which is Bullshit but called that because Heaven’s mum doesn’t like swearing) so what is the first thing I do when we start playing?? Yell BULLSHIT at Heavens hahahaha. Then immediately cover my mouth in horror lol. Good thing her mum has a sense of humor and sense Heavens was cracking up it was alright lol. It was really fun playing games with Heavens parents! I really enjoyed myself. Later that night we Skyped mom and dad and wished them a Merry Christmas and they opened up their gifts. We showed them all our gifts and chatted, I really miss them though! Then we had dinner (we had been snacking all day) of chicken with veg and then watched a movie to end Christmas! Such a great day!
26th- Happy Boxing Day!! Today we relaxed at home all day. We played some more games and watched more movies. We were hoping Laura and Louis would come up but Laura was really sick so they stayed home. We didn’t want to go out in the rush of Boxing Day either.
27th- Today we did some shopping in town, a nice little walk. We were looking for some sales. Then we had coffee with Heavens’ Mum and brother. Afterwards we went to ASDA’s for some food and looking for more sales. Then we went home. Later we went for a walk with Heavens’ Dad and Rosie. We went to the park and walked through the woods. It was really nice and I can just imagine how pretty it will be in the summer time! J It was a really nice way to spend our last day here in Devon.
28th- Today we travelled home from Devon. It was sad to say goodbye to Heavens’ family and it was a long and tiring trip home but we finally made it back and relaxed the rest of the night.
Overall it was a great Christmas in Devon and I am looking forward to moving there next year!
Until next time,


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