Tuesday 6 March 2012

Covent Park

December 3, 2011

Today we got up early and went to the post office to sort some stuff out then went to the café for some breakfast. It is our favourite little café and they make the best coffee. Then we went to Covent Garden to meet up with Val and her friend Eve. We decided to go to Covent Garden because we wanted something Christmassy and we knew that Covent Garden had REINDEER!!! AHHHHH! When we got there the first thing we saw was the ginourmous, mahousive Christmas tree in a ginourmous, mahousive, bucket! We decided to get our picture taken by it even though we looked like ants compared to how big it was! Then we walked around to find the reindeer! They are sooooooooooo cute! We were hoping to pet them but they were sleeping (at least that is what the woman working there said but they weren’t ACTUALLY sleeping they were just laying down) either way they were cute and we took some cute pictures with them. Next to the reindeer there was a red sleigh so we decided to take our picture with it and put it as our Christmas card this year! J YAY my first Christmas card with someone!! We walked around a bit more after that looking at all the shops and stands. We found a Ben’s Cookies and shared a wonderful peanut butter cookie that had real peanuts baked into it! It was lush! We wandered some more and decided to have some mulled wine- yum, yum. Then what we found next is one of the best, awesomest, amazing things I have ever seen in my entire life! Now prepare yourself because what I am about to tell you is top secret! Mainly because I don’t want everyone going there and eating all the deliciousness up! We found an ice cream store that specializes in making its own flavoured ice cream. Now you might be thinking, hmmmm that could turn into a disaster!! I mean some people come up with really BAD ideas. However these were really, really, really, good ideas! They also had a badge and since Heavens is collecting them we had to get one, especially when it said Lick Me. We tried some of the flavours before picking our top two. We got once scoop peanut butter (now you might think oh peanut butter…I’ve had that before! Well no you haven’t! Because this was peanut butter ice cream with peanut butter chunks. Yes I said chunks!) and one scoop Ferer Rocher (again you might think how can that be that good, well this was Ferer Rocher ice cream with the Ferer Rocher balls inside). How fricken awesome and delicious!!! We finished that quick and surely wanted more but it was time to head to Hyde Park for the Winter Wonderland. Once at the Winter Wonderland we walked around a bit and bought some tickets for the rides. The main reason we got tickets were for two rides. One- the giant ferris wheel that you just HAVE to go on if you got to Winter Wonderland and two- the spinning out of control awesome looking scary ride. Now Heavens was all for going on the ferris wheel. We’re both scared of heights but the ferris wheel is enclosed so not too scary. The second ride needed some convincing. But I finally did it and off we went. Heavens and I got in line and met up with another girl who was going on the ride by herself. She decided to sit with us because as we stood in line the ride looked even scarier. Not only did it spin you around and upside down but the whole ride spun around and upside down as well! Once on the ride we took off our shoes (just in case so we didn’t lose them) then hopped on. Now let me tell you, I don’t normally get scared on rides and if I do it is only at the beginning of the ride. However, this ride was like death. It was soooooo scary!!! We screamed the ENTIRE TIME! Just when you think it’s over, it goes even longer! However, even though it was super scary it was also super awesome! It was soooo much fun! I absolutely loved it although my voice didn’t afterwards! Once finished with the scary ride we walked around a bit more looking in all the shops and stands before getting in line for the ferris wheel. That was interesting to say the least. We got in the line for ticket holders but there was a separate line for people to book their seat! Book their seat?? For a ferris wheel?? Yup! You booked a time and you could skip the line. That sounds nice as the line was long, however I’m sure it was expensive to do that. We waited our turn and once we were up in the ferris wheel it was really cool. It had gone dark so all the lights from Winter Wonderland were on and it was just so cool! After our adventure on the wheel we went with Val and Eve for them to get food. We decided to stop on our way home and get fish and chips and eat them while we watched a movie. It was really nice hanging out with Val again and we have a great time at Covent Park.
Until next time,



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