Monday 26 March 2012


February 9, 2012

Yesterday began my birthday celebrations as mom and dad let me open my gifts early because they both wouldn’t be together today for my birthday so I opened them! I got lots of pretty necklaces! I also got some clothes! (She knows me too well haha) And lots of candy!! YUM!
Today I turned 24! Can you believe it?? I can’t! I feel so old! LOL. Today at work the girls gave me some gifts- a London wallet, London ear phones, and a London bracelet (see the theme here?) Plus I got a cake for lunch! YUM! When I got home I had more presents to open! Kimi got me some socks, chocolate, and air fresheners, and of course a cherry card and cherry wrapping paper- she also knows me too well! I opened some cards J Then it was Heavens turn. I got some more necklaces, an Ariel key chain, the book- No Matter what. My next gift was a little confusing at first. It was a star key chain with Danielle ‘Cherry’ Soda on it and some coordinates. The next gift explained because it was a certificate saying I have my own STAR!! MY VERY OWN STAR!! Named after me!! I cried when I opened it, it was so sweet! I love her! Then she told me I had more presents to open on Saturday!! Heavens made me chicken parm for dinner….my fav! We watched t.v. and cuddled before bed J Such a great birthday! On Saturday I got my final gift. I got an e-mail that said I had to go to the London Zoo website. On there I would find my very own giraffe named Elise! She’s mine!!!!! Heavens adopted her for me!! With it, I got a free ticket to the zoo to go see my giraffe and a subscription to the zoo magazine! AHHH!!!! Not only do I have my very own star but my very own giraffe!! I’ve always wanted a pet giraffe but I never thought I’d actually get one!!! She did good! We decided it was too cold to go to the zoo today and we might not see my girl so we are going to wait until nicer weather to go see her! I had an amazing birthday and I have no idea how Heavens is going to top this next year….we will have to wait and see.
Until next time,



February 3, 2012

Today after work we went home quickly to eat dinner then headed into London to see the show Wicked! We got 2nd row seats really cheap because they were towards the side of the stage and it was hard to see things towards the back of the stage, however you could see almost everything. The show was absolutely amazing! I didn’t know much about it before we went and I loved it! I loved the storyline; it really makes you feel sorry for the Wicked Witch from the Wizard of Oz. The actors were amazing and had amazing voices! We got some alcohol and green ice cream! Lol to go with the green theme! I would definitely recommend this show to anyone! I would love to go see it again that is how much I loved it. I think I would still put the Lion King as my top favourite but this would be 2nd. I loved it!
Until next time,


Thursday 22 March 2012

Year of the Dragon!

January 29, 2012-03-21

Today we met up with Jen at the train station and headed into London for the Chinese New Year. It was really funny because when we got out of the station we decided to get Starbucks and Jen said that when you are in London and you want a Starbucks you can never find one. Well on our walk around the city that day we saw about 5 lol! Every time we were saying ‘Never find a Starbucks lol’. Then we met Ashley at the other station and we all headed to Trafalgar Square. We walked around a bit and looked around. There were tons of people and we were at a standstill sometimes. It was the Year of the Dragon (my birth year!) and we really wanted to see the Dragon dance. We found a spot to stand on the stairs where we could see the big screen and part of the stage. We waited through the very long, and boring speeches just to see the Dragon dance. While we were waiting Ashley really wanted a balloon. They were handing them out from up top. She went over and it was so funny to watch her continuously try to grab a balloon but because she was so short and other people were pushy it took her forever! She finally got one though. Then next thing you know they had moved down to where we were handing them out lol so I got one for Heavens. The Dragon dance finally came on and it was definitely worth the wait! There were two dances. The first one was amazing! Two guys were the dragon, one for the head and one for the butt. They started dancing on the ground and next thing you know they jumped onto these stilt poles and were dancing all along the poles. It was so amazing to see them jump up and down and it really looked like a dragon, you forgot it was people. After that dance was another dragon dance but this time it was a bunch of people holding the sticks with the dragon on top. This one was good but not as good as the other one. We decided to walk through the streets of Chinatown and find a place to eat. We saw some people dressed up, some more dragons, and the tree of prosperity which Heavens threw in the tree and it stayed!! YAY! Hopefully she made a good wish! Then we went and got some really nice Chinese Food. It was yummy! We were quite tired after that so we headed back home. It was a really nice day and it was shared with some really nice people.
Until next time,



 January 12, 2012

Today after work I met up with Heavens and we went into London to the O2 Arena. We went to Frankie and Benny’s for dinner and had a really nice time. Then we went into the O2 for the gymnastics Olympics. It was really long, but really cool. We saw lots of different events- floor, bars, vault and rings. It was a lot of fun. We cheered for the teams and really enjoyed ourselves. After the really long competition we went to buy some souvenirs. On the way getting a starbucks of course!  We each got a shirt!! Yay! We also got a key chain and pin. As we were standing there Heavens looked over and saw Louis Smith- the British Gymnast who had just won two Gold Medals at the gymnastics competition! We went over to him and Heavens got him to sign her program (with him on the cover!) and we gook a picture with her! It was sooo cool!!! She was so smitten! Then we made our way home, both happy campers!
Until next time,
