Tuesday 17 July 2012

Laura's Hen Do

February 17, 2012- February 19, 2012-07-17

Today we officially moved out of my room and into our joint room! To celebrate we got all ready to go to Laura’s Hen Do!! Heaven’s sister Laura is getting married in April and her bridesmaids planned a Hen Do (Bachelorette party) in Bournemouth (which is really pretty). Tammy (Heavens other sister) had planned on picking us up and still stuck to it, even though she didn’t feel well at all! Poor honey! We finally arrived at the Belvedere Hotel (which took FOREVER to find) and quickly got ready to go out for the Comedy night. Poor Tammy stayed in because she was unwell. It wasn’t open yet so we went to the bar next door to have a drink while we waited. We got to the Comedy show and watched 3 comedians and had some lovely food. It was a good night! Afterwards, we headed home and filled Tammy in on the evening before bed.

18th- Today we all got up to have breakfast together and then headed to Bar Extreme. It wasn’t open yet so again we went to the pub first lol to have a drink. Then we went back to Bar Extreme and began our Cocktail making party! First she made us Sex on the Beach, we each got a glass. Then we shared a fish bowl and then she showed us how to make a traffic light drink. We each had a turn at making one. Heavens made the best one and won! She even got her picture put on the website! Tammy was the runner up. Go Heavens family! We were a bit upset because Laura- the Bride to Be- couldn’t drink, but we were happy because the reason was she is pregnant!! YAY! So she judged the drink contest.  We got to drink our traffic lights and they brought us some pizza.  We got to taste a bunch of cocktails and choose our favourite one. That was the one we got to make. Finally we were given a round of shots. Needless to say we were a bit drunk afterwards haha. We decided to walk through town a bit, but then the weather started to get bad so we headed to the hotel and ordered some food and hung out in Laura’s room eating and chillin’. Later that night we all got ready to go out for our Black and Lashes party!!! WHOHOOOOO!!! We got all dolled up then headed to the girl’s room to start the festivities with Laura’s quiz about Louis. Then we were introduced to the best game, in the entire world, that is so awesome. It is a game where each person gets a peg with writing on it and throughout the night you have to peg people and if possible take a picture. When I first heard about this game I was a little sceptical, however by the end of the night I was named the Peg Queen.  It was so much fun!! But first we went to Zorba’s Greek restaurant.  The food was amazing!! It just kept coming!! We began our pegging. We headed to Bar Extreme because they were having drink deals and on the way I made my first peg on a tutu lol. Once at the bar we got some drinks and made all the guys at the bar paranoid of our pegging. We also kept pegging one of the bridesmaids- Emma and it was so funny b/c she never knew! We went to another bar where they took our picture and I got it put into a keychain! How cool! I also made my hardest peg- the security guard! Finally we went to the Sherbert Bar which was awesome! It had a huge two way fish tank, balloons hanging, shoes on the ceiling, etc. This is where I got my best peg of the night- a guy’s shoelace! YUP! Lol. I attempted a girl with minimal clothing but it didn’t work. We finally headed home with very sore feet and sore tummy’s from laughing!

19th- Today we got up early to have breakfast with Laura and wished her a Happy Birthday! Then we had to say our goodbyes L Tammy drove us home and we got ourselves sorted for work. It was a really great weekend and I had a lot of fun. We met some really cool people and enjoyed celebrating Laura’s night out before her wedding!! 

Until next time,

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