Thursday 19 July 2012

Baby Amelie

March 10, 2012

Today Heavens and I got some breakfast and headed to Tammy’s house. It was very exciting because we got to see baby Amelie!! This was our first time seeing her. It was lovely! We got to cuddle her and she is absolutely gorgeous!! We all had some lunch and hung outside. Afterwards we sat inside with Amelie and were looking at all these baby name books and chatting away. It was fun! Tammy and Tim started a fire so we hung out by that chatting for a while. Todd made us dinner and Tammy went out, Larissa wasn’t feeling well so after I ate I of course went to steal the baby so Tim could eat. She just fell asleep on my chest and I just cuddle her. It was wonderful! Until Tim had to ruin it by giving me yogurt filled with popping rocks candy! And I couldn’t do anything about it because the baby was on me!! LOL Then Paul and Ionella showed up with the kids to see the baby and Heaveens and I went out by the fire again. Tammy came home with her friend and we all sat around the fire chatting. Then Tim drove us to the station and we went home, ate a snack and watched a movie in bed. It was a lovely day and wonderful getting to see baby Amelie….Look for yourself at how gorgeous she is!!

Until next time,


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