Thursday 19 July 2012

Tammy's House

February 24, 2012- February 26, 2012

Today after work we headed to Tammy’s house because she hadn’t been feeling well all week and since Todd was away for the weekend she wanted someone to keep her company.
24th- Therefore, we headed up after work, had some pizza, hung out and watched tv.
25th- Today we went to the park with Tammy, Olive, and Todd’s sister Rachel. We played on the equipment, which by the way it’s a pretty cool park! Then we went to the coffee house and got a milkshake. It was lovely. Then we walked around the park a bit before heading home. Tammy made us dinner while they insisted we watch Mary Poppins, as I had never seen it before. Unfortunately, I still haven’t seen it as I fell asleep haha. Later on, Heavens and I walked into town to buy some snacks and we came back and watched the movie Drive with Tammy before bed. It was a great day!
26th- Today Tammy decided to take us to the beach. We drove to Southend beach for the day. It was wonderful! I love being on the beach. We sat on the beach and watched the water, helped Olive build sand castles, looked for glass, and ate chips and hung out in the sun. It was nice chatting and relaxing together. We also got some ice cream and let Olive play on the little playground they had. We decided it was time to leave when we noticed that when we sat down the water was about 10 feet away from us and when we left it was about 1 foot away lol. We walked to the aquarium to get Olive a little toy and then headed to Tammy’s house and then back home. Overall it was a great weekend!

Until next time,


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