Friday 27 July 2012

Tower Bridge Experience

April 3, 2012

Today we ventured into London to do some 2 4 1’s J We first went to the Tower Bridge, my favourite bridge if you haven’t already noticed, and we headed up it to the Tower Bridge Experience. It was so cool. We got to walk up it and find out all about how it was made and everything about it. We got to walk along the top bits looking out over the water and we learned a lot about it. We also got to go to the engine room that is rarely used now as they don’t usually need to raise the bridge. Then we decided to walk to Millennium Bridge and over to St. Paul’s Cathedral. We didn’t want to pay to get in so we just looked at it and waited to hear from Clare. She called and we met her at Angel Station and found this little Turkish restaurant called Killis for dinner. We always find random food to eat with Clare lol. It was lovely though and we had a meal and drinks before heading home. It was a really exciting day to get to see my bridge from a new way and spend time with Clare. 

Until next time,


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