Wednesday 4 April 2012


February 14, 2012

Today is Valentine’s Day! Today we slept in and then made a nice breakfast to share. I had all these plans for the day but we found out that we could move in together to one room! So we began packing and moving our stuff because we had to be out in a few days. Then I went to Morrisons to get some things for the night. Heavens worked on sorting out her room as we were moving in there. I got everything ready in my room. I made her lasagne. I bought flowers. I had candles and candy hearts, and I decorated the room to be all nice. I made a heart with kisses on it! I also wrote out a message in hearts that she had to solve! We ate dinner and she watched my little video I had made with our pictures and then we worked on one of the puzzles for a bit, until we were too frustrated with all the pieces looking the same. Then we watched the movie Valentine’s Day. It was a lovely day together.
Until next time,


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