Monday 14 October 2013

Our Wedding!!

August 16-18 2013

Our wedding began a few days before the actual ceremony with a beautiful, personalised vase with sunflowers in it from my bride to be! And continued with Heavens dad and sister arriving and picking up the suits with the men. It then continued with spray tans, nail appointments, and decorating of the hall which took all day!!! Followed by a rehearsal dinner where everyone from the wedding arrived to practice their parts! Then pizza and chips to eat and a wonderful lantern celebration to wish us a wonderful marriage. We exchanged pre-wedding gifts and Heavens received a scrapbook of the time we spent together and I got a handmade jewellery box with a beautiful music note necklace. The day ended with Heavens and I sleeping separately which was very difficult, but made easier by my two besties- Racia and Molly who slept in bed with me. Our wedding day began with me getting up super early to go to my hair appointment and leaving Heavens a surprise to awake to. I organized her family in England to leave her video messages and created a video for her to watch on the morning of her wedding. Unfortunately I couldn’t see her in order to give it to her so I left it for her to watch and heard that she bawled her eyes out with joy! I went to my hair appointment and then to the hall in a rush to get ready in time with everyone showing up at all different times. I did my makeup, jewellery, dress, and shoes and then Molly put my garter on for me and gave me a beautiful present of something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue! Then I pinned the flowers on the guys and was all ready to go. Matt, our little hero for the day, said we might want to wait a few more minutes for guests to arrive and good thing we did as a golf ball was hit at the tree right where we were getting married!! But we missed it because we started late! All of a sudden I was told it was time to walk down the aisle! It all happened so fast. I stepped out and saw my beautiful girl waiting at the end of the aisle for me. She was so beautiful! The whole ceremony went by so fast, but it was so lovely to hear Tammy and Molly’s poems, as well as my girls vows. Despite the fact that I said I wasn’t going to cry, I had to pull myself together during my vows….but I made it and we put our rings on and were pronounced wife and wife!! And yes Lorraine did say it without crying!! YAY!! Then we went to take a group photo and a great receiving line getting to say hi to everyone which was nice. Then time for pictures!! YAY!! Lots and lots of pictures!! But amazing pictures!! After that we called Heaven’s mum in England to say hi and then walked into the reception as a married couple, with confetti flying everywhere…even into Heaven’s mouth! Thanks Chris lol. Then we had some wonderful speeches from some wonderful people! Loved it! Especially the famous Daddy Heavens speech! Heavens and I gave our speeches and gifts out and it was time to eat. The rest of the night went by quick with the first dance, mother daughter and father daughter dances, cutting the cake…and smashing a cupcake in Heavens face….oops lol, and the wonderful garter toss with our dance that went great and surprised everyone!! We enjoyed the photo booth as well as everyone else, danced, laughed, and had a great time. Before we left the hall we opened our gifts and saw our decorated car! We made our way to the hotel and opened up all our cards and drank some wine, as well as leaving the hotel room with very much confetti to pick up… The next morning was wonderful, meeting up with everyone for a lovely breakfast! It was so nice to have everyone together and get to say a meaningful goodbye. As well as a goodbye to Heavens dad and sister which was hard. Then everyone helped tidy up the hall which was so wonderful of them and that night we had leftover food with some good family and friends. Overall it was a wonderful few days and definitely a night to remember. It was everything we could have asked for plus more and we can’t thank everyone enough who helped make our wedding day special and beautiful. We love you all and are so glad we got to celebrate the best day of our lives with you.

Until next time,

¬Mrs. Heavens-Soda¬

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