Monday 14 October 2013


September 1-20, 2013

It took a very long time for us to get to Germany. When we arrived we took a very long train ride to meet up with Thomas and his family. They were so kind to take us in for the weekend. Then we moved into a hotel whilst our apartment was set up. We met some very nice people who helped us to do everything we needed in order to set up our apartment, get bank accounts, register with the town and everything. It took us a few weeks but we finally got everything we needed and moved into our apartment. It started with only a bathroom sink, toilet, and bath. Nothing else. Not even lights! But we managed to make it look like a home. We also walked around the town, very small town, but the view from our balcony is very pretty. I learned to drive standard, which is difficult at times, especially in a new country but after a few minor problems I think I have it down.  I started school and it is difficult at times because of the language barrier but I try. It is very different here. In the mornings the children have breakfast and then playtime. Then for an hour we do circle time and learning time which is usually in English. After that we play outside before lunch. Then after lunch they brush their teeth and sleep for an hour and a half. Then most of them go home and the rest play outside for the rest of the afternoon. My classroom is filled with 15 children mostly aged 4 turning 5. I have another teacher working with me who speaks German and some English and she helps to translate some of what I say to the children and vice versa. I have started to create some resources for my classroom and will begin doing some centers in a couple weeks.

Until next time,


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