Monday 14 October 2013

Our Honeymoon!

August 19-25 2013

19- We began our honeymoon by going to the town court to get our marriage certificate. Then we went to Alexandria Bay in the Thousand Islands for our honeymoon. We arrived on Monday at the Rock Ledge Motel and checked into our cute little cottage. Then we went into Alex Bay to look around. We did a little shopping looking through town then stopped to pick up some dinner and took it to our cottage to eat and watch tv before bed.  
20- Today we decided to do the Two Nations Cruise. We bought tickets and then went to get some breakfast at a cafĂ© before the cruise started. Then we took the boat tour through the waters and into Canada. We saw many expensive houses, very tiny islands, and learnt a lot about the Thousand Islands region. The boat then stopped at Bodlt Castle. We got off and decided to have a look around the castle. Poor Mr. Bodlt’s wife died before she could see the castle completed so therefore they renovate it but will never complete it. We walked around exploring and then took the boat back to Alex Bay. We went back to our cottage and took a nap before returning to the Bay for dinner. We went to the Dock of the Bay and had a lovely BBQ chicken and pork meal. Then we went to the drive in- Heaven’s first- and watched Kickass 2 and the beginning of We’re the Millers, but fell asleep in the middle of it. So we drove back to our cottage to watch tv and go to bed.
21- Today we were supposed to go on our hot air balloon ride. However, there was a storm approaching which meant we couldn’t fly. I was very sad but maybe it was for the best. We decided to go on the Singe Castle boat tour. We sailed the waters and arrived at Dark Island and got a guided tour around the Castle. You can even stay in the Master suite for a lot of money! That was the one room we couldn’t see on our tour because it was being rented out. The Castle was very cool as it had many secret passageways that were originally used for the servants. Because back in the days the servants were not allowed to be seen when guests were there. Not only did the Castle have many rooms for the family and guests but also very strange rooms like a sports therapy room. It also had some beautiful gardens. It was a nice tour and very informational. Afterwards we went to Callavarils for dinner. It was the best meal I think I have ever had. I ordered baked stuffed shrimp with rice and beans and Heavens ordered manicotti. It was absolutely delicious. I can’t describe how amazing the shrimp was. It just melted in your mouth and is now my favorite meal. After dinner we went back to the drive in because they were showing new movies. This time we watched Immortal Instruments which was weird and incestual and then Elysium which was good. Then we went back to the cottage to go to sleep.
22- Today was not a very nice day out. The storm had arrived but we decided to go to Clayton which is not very far away and go on yet another boat cruise. This time we went on a glass bottom boat to Rock Island Lighthouse. Because of the storm we couldn’t see very much through the water under the boat but it was still cool to be on a boat that had a glass bottom. We went to Rock Island Lighthouse and got to go up to the top of lighthouse and look out which was cool and see a little history of the lighthouses. When we got back we went to Alex Bay and did some more shopping and picked up a pizza, watched a film, played cards and drank some wine before bed in our cottage.
23- Today was our last day in Alex Bay. We checked out of our little cottage and went to the mini golf and go carts place down the road. We did three laps on one of the longest go cart raceways. My car was super fast and it was really fun. Then we played some mini golf and Heavens beat me by one stoke! On the way out of town we stopped at MazeLand and GOT LOST! Lol. Not really, we eventually found our way through. Then we drove to Syracuse to Uncle Mike and Aunt Jacks house and hung out with Minnie until Uncle Mike got home, then had some dinner and hung out until Aunt Jack and Mikayla got home from NYC.
24- Today we got up and hung out with Uncle Mike, Aunt Jack, and Mikayla then made our way towards Oneida. We stopped at Fort Ricky or as Heavens likes to call it Rickety Farm. She got to see a wolf show where the trainer went inside the enclosure with the wolves. She got to feed the goats and an impatient, persistent deer. We got to hold a snake and get our picture. We walked around looking at all the animals and enjoyed being together. It was lovely. Afterwards we went to Karlee’s house and had a drink with her mom who lives next door and then headed to Turning Stone Casino to meet up with Shelley and Matthew. We went for a buffet dinner and even had a chocolate fountain!!! It was great catching up. We made our way to Exit 33 which has lots of clubs and saw a club that looked cool. When we got in there was a couch with the British Flag print on it and when Heavens asked to take a picture the security guys said we could sit there. So we sat down and took some pictures and then a woman came over and said we could only sit there if we ordered a bottle which was 100 dollars!!! Ridiculous!! Maracia and her two friends showed up and we listened to the band for a few songs, but they were really weird. They looked like they didn’t belong together and they weren’t very good. So we headed out and saw that next door there was a Burlesque show at midnight, I asked about it and they said it was free you just had to buy two drinks and that there was no dress code. So we decided to go to the Tin Rooster to have some drinks and listen to the band, and maybe even do some line dancing until midnight. It was so country and they had a saddle disco ball!! But because dinner was still going on there was no place to sit. Well, Heavens being the charmer that she is talked to the hostess who was so excited that we were newlyweds that she made a table right in front by the band just for us. So we ordered some drinks, listened to the country band, did some line dancing and regular dancing and had a great time. Afterwards we went to go to the Burlesque show and found out that it was a black tie dress code, which we clearly were not prepared for, how annoying!!! So we headed back to Karlee’s house to go to bed. 
25- Today we got up early and went for a nice breakfast with Karlee, her mom, and Maracia then we made the journey home. Once home we got ready to go to the demolition derby finale with Matt and met up with Nick, Lorraine, and Chris and Rian. We cheered for our cars and had a nice end to our wonderful honeymoon.

Until next time,


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