Sunday 13 October 2013

Bachelorette Party

August 10, 2013

Today we celebrated our Bachelorette Party organised by Molly!!! Karlee, Maracia, Rian, Lorraine, Wendy, Hayley, Molly, Mom, Me and Heavens all went to Molly’s house to start the festivities. We began with a lovely lunch cooked by many of the guests. Then present time!!! YAY!!! It was lovely, all our wonderful gifts- from candles, to Hers and Hers towels, to sashes and crowns to wear, it was great. Then we began the games which was awesome! First was the word poem game where you get two words and have to create a poem including those words. Then the toilet paper wedding dress, which I won!! YAY for big butts! Then signed T-shirts and a champagne toast. Then began our wine tour adventure. It was great because Heavens and I had never been on a wine tour before so it was all new. Everyone was so lovely, they paid for all of our drinks and we got to taste lots of wine. A few were our favourites and we bought them to drink on our honeymoon! We even met some wonderful and a little crazy people to hang out with along the way! Then we ended the night with a wonderful dinner at one of the wineries. Oh and a gigantic spider in the car that Karlee had to kill for us, but other than that it was a wonderful time and so nice to spend with everyone! We can’t thank Molly enough and all the people who helped her make this day so special for us!

Until next time,


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