Friday 27 July 2012

Tower Bridge Experience

April 3, 2012

Today we ventured into London to do some 2 4 1’s J We first went to the Tower Bridge, my favourite bridge if you haven’t already noticed, and we headed up it to the Tower Bridge Experience. It was so cool. We got to walk up it and find out all about how it was made and everything about it. We got to walk along the top bits looking out over the water and we learned a lot about it. We also got to go to the engine room that is rarely used now as they don’t usually need to raise the bridge. Then we decided to walk to Millennium Bridge and over to St. Paul’s Cathedral. We didn’t want to pay to get in so we just looked at it and waited to hear from Clare. She called and we met her at Angel Station and found this little Turkish restaurant called Killis for dinner. We always find random food to eat with Clare lol. It was lovely though and we had a meal and drinks before heading home. It was a really exciting day to get to see my bridge from a new way and spend time with Clare. 

Until next time,


Happy St. Patrick’s Day London!

March 18, 2012

Today we ventured into London and stopped off for coffee on our way to Trafalgar square. When we got there we walked around a bit then made our way to the front of the stage to hear some bands and some great rappers. Then the parade started so we left the square and headed outside to see the parade. Then we did a little bit of shopping before heading back into the square. We got some food and bear and then went back to the stage and got to hear some cool music and performances like Hammerstep which was really cool. During the performance some people climbed on the fountains which were funny. Then we stayed to hear one of Heaven’s favourite singers- Gemma Hayes. But because it was freezing and starting to sprinkle we decided to go home. We got home and skyped mom and ordered pizza watched a movie and went to bed. Overall it was a great St. Patrick’s Day!!

Until next time,


Thursday 19 July 2012

Baby Amelie

March 10, 2012

Today Heavens and I got some breakfast and headed to Tammy’s house. It was very exciting because we got to see baby Amelie!! This was our first time seeing her. It was lovely! We got to cuddle her and she is absolutely gorgeous!! We all had some lunch and hung outside. Afterwards we sat inside with Amelie and were looking at all these baby name books and chatting away. It was fun! Tammy and Tim started a fire so we hung out by that chatting for a while. Todd made us dinner and Tammy went out, Larissa wasn’t feeling well so after I ate I of course went to steal the baby so Tim could eat. She just fell asleep on my chest and I just cuddle her. It was wonderful! Until Tim had to ruin it by giving me yogurt filled with popping rocks candy! And I couldn’t do anything about it because the baby was on me!! LOL Then Paul and Ionella showed up with the kids to see the baby and Heaveens and I went out by the fire again. Tammy came home with her friend and we all sat around the fire chatting. Then Tim drove us to the station and we went home, ate a snack and watched a movie in bed. It was a lovely day and wonderful getting to see baby Amelie….Look for yourself at how gorgeous she is!!

Until next time,


Amy's 21st

March 2, 2012

Today after yet again another bad day at work where Rani and Amy had their dreaded meetings and Cherise found out she was being moved to reception….we began getting ready to go out for Amy’s birthday. Heavens met me at the station and came into the Nursery. She got to see what it was like which was cool. She helped us finish setting up then we began getting ready to go out. We got all dolled up and got a cab to Apolliania. We had some drinks and some really nice food. We also did some pegging which was brilliant because the piano man loved it and was joining in! We danced and listened to a Tom Jones impersonator (which I thought was the real Tom Jones lol) We got up and did some of the dancing and saw a man balance ten cups on his head- real glass cups without dropping them! We also saw the belly dancers. It was so funny because we were pegging everyone all night. I pegged Tom Jones and the DJ had pegs on him. The best was pegging Amy’s dress because she didn’t know we had done it lol. Debbie joined us and Rani for a bit and we all had a great time! Happy 21st Amy!!!

Until next time,
