Saturday 19 February 2011

Randomness in London

February 18, 2011

Well I officially got a new bed. It is a double bed and really comfy. I even got new sheets and a blanket and it looks very nice in my room. It is really cool because it has drawers underneath it which most of the big beds here don’t have.  I also received my birthday gifts from home. I was excited. I got a photo album that instructed me not to cry, yet I did when I looked through it. Then I got a family picture frame and a picture frame with Believe in it. I also got two sets of earrings.
We went a surprise birthday party for a friend which meant we had to sit in the dark for ages waiting for him to return home. Then we yelled surprise when he came in. Brandy and Jen bought a piƱata for him shaped like a soccer ball and they filled it with salt as an on going joke. He smashed it and salt went everywhere then they yelled that he got salted! It was quite funny!
This past weekend we went to the Timeplan social for work. There was free alcohol so that was awesome. There was also bowling but we didn’t have money so I just helped Brian out by bowling once each frame for him. I had never bowled drunk before and I was surprised to still be doing okay. At least the ball went down the lane. I got quite drunk on all the free alcohol and then we went to McDonalds which was awesome. The next morning I heard all about the parts of the night I forgot and how hilarious I was. I also realized that when I am drunk I am capable of using my debit card (pin number included), taking out my contacts, and setting my alarm. However, I am not capable of putting my shirt on the correct way (it was backwards), keeping the time on my alarm clock the same (I changed it to an hour later), or putting my phone where it belongs (found it in my bed under the sheets). Pretty funny!
Today we went to a house party and hung out. And I bought my brand new HP Mini computer!!! So excited since my other computer has tons of virus’s and won’t let me do anything. Also excited that I can upload pictures onto facebook without it taking years! It’s amazing what a new computer can do.
Tomorrow I will be packing for Prague and on Monday I fly there! So excited for my week in Prague and I shall have a blog update when I get back.

Another thing that will happen quicker is my blog updates since now I can actually post them!

Until next time,


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