Wednesday 16 February 2011

Chickidy China the Chinese Chicken

February 6, 2011


The actual Chinese new year was during the week but on Sunday they were having a festival in London at
Trafalgar Square
and Chinatown. Rachel and I decided to venture in and see what it was all about. There were tons of decorations and tons and tons of people. At one point I thought we might get crushed in the crowd (we were even at a stand still at one point). However, there were some really cool things to look at. There were people dressed up with fortunes and a tree where you could throw a bag and make a wish and if your bag stayed in the tree your wish came true. Rachel threw one and it stayed in! We walked around looking at the different decorations and we also bought a paper dragon to play with! Then we went to see the dragon dance! It was in
Trafalgar Square
and was really hard to see because there were so many people, so instead we watched it on the screen t.v. Then we decided we were starving but we didn’t feel like waiting in the huge lines for Chinese food so we stopped at a little sandwich shop and ate. Then we met up with Liz and her roommates for gelato! It was sooooo good. I got the caramel one…yum! Finally we headed home to relax after a day of being in a huge crowd.

Until next time,


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