Wednesday 2 July 2014

Germany Vs. USA

June 26, 2013

Today we met up with Anna and Maria and we went to Chemnitz to watch the Germany versus USA football (soccer) world cup match. We got into town just in time for the game, although almost being late because Maria almost hit a tram! We walked to where the public viewing was and there were lots of people all dressed up in Germany colors. Heavens and I wore our football jersey’s we bought for Germany and I wore my scarf and we decorated our faces with paint. We got a beer and stood in the crowd looking at the big screen watching the game. The first half was not very interesting. No goals. So at half time we went to get food. Heavens got a burger and fries with an American themed napkin. I got a Langos which is like a pizza but it is fried dough with toppings on it. So I got sour cream, cheese, and ham, yum! We got more to drink and stood watching the rest of the game. Poor USA they just couldn’t get it together. Running into each other and looking like fools. Then Germany scored one goal, then another, and it was all over for USA but it was a great time and we were rooting for Germany to win, although secretly also USA. However, they both move on to the next stage so it’s all good! On the way home, we took Anna back and it started raining and for the first time since being in Germany we saw a rainbow. And not just any rainbow but a full rainbow. We could see both sides of it. It was beautiful and so visible! Beautiful!

Until next time,


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