Wednesday 18 June 2014

A little taste of America!

June 13-15, 2014

13th- Today was Friday the 13th, and after work Meghan came over as Heavens had to stay at work for an event. We hung out and waited for Anna to come over and we watched the  world cup football game together and ate dinner. Then we decided to go to the pub to watch the other games as we didn’t know what time Heavens would be home. She pulled up just as we were leaving but she didn’t want to go to the pub so we stayed home and Meghan and Anna went. They had a great time and met a Spanish guy living in Meerane. Then they came home and we watched part of the last game before bed.
14th- Today we slept in and relaxed for a while, watching tv and chatting. Then we decided to go to the town Amerika which is in Saxony and about 30 minutes away. We got there and realized, it maybe used to be a town because it had a railroad station and used to have a big textile factory but nowadays it is just a bar and a sign with an American flag. However, the sign was really cool and we did have a drink at the bar with some really strange but friendly people. We also bought some cool postcards that said Amerika on them. Then we went home and attempted to make dinner with some cheese but it turned out horrible so we went to the brewery party and got a drink and then went back to Meghan’s friends house and ordered pizza and watched the football game. Then we came home to watch the England game although it wasn’t working until half time. Then bed.
15th-Today we got up early to drive to Fort Graf, the military base where Meghan’s brother Seamus is and her other brother Colin was there for training. We met up with Seamus (after the very long drive as Meghan didn’t use the GPS and went way out of the way lol) and then met up with her other brother Colin. We looked around the base a bit and saw lots of Mustangs which I was happy with! We also did some shopping and got reeses peanut butter cups, twizzlers, some clothes, root beer, and peanut butter captain crunch! YUM!! Then we had lunch- Taco Bell. And everyone spoke English which was so nice. We attempted to go to the movies as it would be in English but the timings were wrong, so we went into the town of Weimar which is not very far away and we walked around. It was really pretty there with a nice town center and a pretty park that we walked through seeing a live band and an aviary with really pretty birds. Then we decided to go to dinner so went to a Mexican restaurant and had a lovely meal. Then back to the base to say goodbye and head home. It was so nice being at the base and kind of felt a little like America. On the way home these boys drove up next to use waving and flirting a bit so we wrote down Meghan’s number for them to see and they did the same and we text them a bit for Meghan, it was funny. We went back to Meghan’s house so she could pack and we skyped mom and watched the football game. Then we headed home and went to bed!
Overall it was a great weekend and we really enjoyed spending time with Meghan as she is leaving for two weeks!

Until next time,


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