Tuesday 15 July 2014

Moni and Jergen

July 11, 2014

Today after work Heavens and I met Moni and Jergen at their house. We gave them their gift of a picture of us by their tree with a lovely friendship quote. Then we walked to the restaurant CafĂ© Schoberlein. It is a lovely little place near my school and ever since we first came to Meerane we have wanted to go to it. We ordered some drinks and some lovely food. I had chicken and Heavens had steak it was really good. We chatted loads about lots of things including arsch gieger lol and the funny waitress with huge glasses. She took a picture of all of us and it was a great way to say goodbye to our lovely friends. We had to say goodbye to Jergen but I will see Moni at work so will say goodbye to her later. 

Until next time,


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