Tuesday 15 July 2014

World Cup Final

July 13, 2014

Today we worked on packing and cleaning then dropped off some bags at Meghan’s house. Then we drove to Maria’s house to see her new place and have a beer. Then we went to the tapas bar to meet some of Maria’s friends and have all you can eat tapas for 15 euros. We really enjoyed it. She has some lovely friends and we got tons and tons of food. Way to much! When we were finished we walked to a public viewing of the world cup final in Chemnitz. Unfortunately the big viewing place was closed so we had to stand in a smaller one but it was still good. They use this place to watch movies outside which is cool. You had to pay if you wanted a seat but it was free to stand. So we stood and watched the game. It was Germany versus Argentina. They played a great game. It was neck and neck, back and forth, goals that didn’t count and finally a tie. So they went into overtime and with only about 5-10 minutes left of the game our player Goetze scored the only goal of the game!!!! YAY!!!! WE WON!!!!!!!!! TOR DEUTCHLAND!!! It was amazing, everyone cheering and fireworks going off, horns blowing and everyone so happy! It was really cool too because the game was in Rio they turned the Jesus into the colors of the German flag! After we watched the cup being given to Germany we headed home in the craziness. We even drove under a flag that two guys were holding in the middle of the road! Honking horns and people cheering the whole way! 

Until next time,



July 12, 2014

Today after packing and cleaning we walked to Grit’s house and met her husband Olaf, daughter Lisa and her daughter’s boyfriend Adrian. Adrian loves to learn and speak English so he was our translator for the night. We had some lovely food and many, many drinks. We had a whole bottle of Bailey’s, some Frieuling shots which we have seen but never tried, very good; and some wine/beer. We got very drunk. We chatted and laughed and had a great time. Then Olaf brought out some fireworks so we enjoyed watching them. Because we were so drunk and because we had stayed so long, until like 3am, Lisa was nice enough to drive us back home. It was a lovely evening spending time with Grit and meeting her wonderful family. 

Until next time,


Moni and Jergen

July 11, 2014

Today after work Heavens and I met Moni and Jergen at their house. We gave them their gift of a picture of us by their tree with a lovely friendship quote. Then we walked to the restaurant CafĂ© Schoberlein. It is a lovely little place near my school and ever since we first came to Meerane we have wanted to go to it. We ordered some drinks and some lovely food. I had chicken and Heavens had steak it was really good. We chatted loads about lots of things including arsch gieger lol and the funny waitress with huge glasses. She took a picture of all of us and it was a great way to say goodbye to our lovely friends. We had to say goodbye to Jergen but I will see Moni at work so will say goodbye to her later. 

Until next time,


Thursday 10 July 2014

Germany WHAT?

July 8, 2014 

Today after work Meghan came over and we had lasagne then we went to Zwickau to meet up with Dirk and his best friend at a Greek restaurant. We went to watch a public viewing of the Germany versus Brazil world cup game. We were hoping Germany would win but we thought it would be hard being against Brazil. However, we were wrong. Germany crushed Brazil. At ten minutes they first scored, then at twelve minutes they scored again then a few minutes later. And it continued, all the way to seven goals! And Brazil finally scored one goal towards the end but not even close to making a comeback. It was great!! YAY GERMANY!! But when we left it was pouring rain, like pouring!! So we had to walk back in the rain! YUK! 

Until next time,


Liberation!- Regensburg/Kelheim/Weltenburg

July 4-6, 2014

Happy July 4th!!! Today we had work so we dressed in red, white and blue and after work I picked up Heavens and we went to see Meghan! We haven’t seen her since her trip so it was great to see her. It was Manuela’s birthday party so we had lots of food and some very lovely drinks, we watched the Germany Football game and Germany won!! YAY! We hung out chatting and having a great night.
5th- Today is our Anniversary! YAY! We got up and got some breakfast then headed to Regensburg. It was a crazy drive as there was much construction and road closed but we finally made it to our hotel and checked in. It was a cute little hotel and we had a nice room. Then we got ready and walked into town via the park. It was a nice walk. When we got into town we went to the Tourist Information to decide what our plans were. We decided to walk around Regensburg today and enjoy the sights. We first wanted lunch or a big breakfast so we stopped at a little cafĂ© for breakfast. Then after looking at the Old Town Hall we walked to the Market Square with a cute little market and some shops, as well as a church. Then we walked to St. Peter’s Church and went inside. It was really pretty and we saw the smiling angel. We also saw the David and Goliath painting on the house. Then we got some souvenirs and decided to sit by the water looking at the Old Stone Bridge which was being re-done. After sitting by the water for a bit we decided to walk over the bridge and we saw the famous statue of a man sitting on a triangle (which we think is maybe supposed to be a roof). We walked over the bridge and to the other side then back to find a place to watch the game and eat dinner. We found an Italian place (you all know we love those on our holidays) and they were playing the game. So we shared a hug pizza (the half of it took up a whole plate) and it only cost 9 euros for the whole pizza. Therefore we had a drink and basically two pizzas (two halves) for only 15 euros! Amazing! We were quite tired from the night before and from our drive so we decided to go back to the hotel to watch the rest of the game and relax.
6th- Today we got up early for breakfast at the hotel. It was very nice, very German lol. Then we drove to Walhalla (pronounced Valhalla) and because we were so early there was hardly anyone there and we didn’t have to pay to park. This building is shaped like the Parthenon and was built by Kind Ludwig I to remember all the famous, important people who inspired others. It is HUGE! It sits up on a hill which overlooks the river. It has many, many steps. If we had come by boat we would have to walk up over 300 steps. But we were at the top so it was okay. We took some pictures outside then paid to go inside. It was beautiful! Everything was marble. All of the statues, the busks of famous people with a plaque with their name on it. My favourite was Albert Einstein.  It was mesmerizing. Once finished we drove to Kelheim and finally found the boats to go on. We bought our ticket and made our way to the top of the boat. This boat took us on the Donaube river through the gorges and it was beautiful. We learnt about the Befreiungshalle or the Liberation Hall built again by King Ludwig I but this time to celebrate the victory over Napolean. We saw the crocodile rock which looks like a crocodile on the rock. and the suitcase rock which they say is for Ludwig when he hid out. We also saw the beehive rock with lots of little holes in it. We also saw many rock climbers which I thought were crazy! This is the second largest river in Germany and it was also affected by the floods with the river getting very, very high. The boat took us to the Monastery where we got off. It was really pretty and peaceful just by the river. We also got to see the church they use which is absolutely gorgeous. It even had clouds coming out of the walls. It wasn’t very big but it was beautiful. We decided not to eat there so we walked along the beach then got back on the boat to head back. Once back we made our way up to Befreiungshalle to take a look inside. Let me just say, another amazing accomplishment by Ludwig. This one had about 9 foot statues of Angels surrounding the entire circle inside with people’s names on plates in between them. We looked around first then got to walk behind the angel statues and up to the second level outside then to the top level outside to see a magnificent view of the city and the rivers. We walked back down and got the see the top level inside the building. Then back behind the statues and out. It was really pretty. Once finished we decided to get McDonalds then head back home. Overall it was a wonderful weekend and the Walhalla and the boat trip have become one of my top things we have done in Germany.

Until next time,
