Monday 12 May 2014

Over 30’s Party

May 3, 2014

Today we went to Thomas’s house and met up with Manuela and the boys as well as Meghan and her brother Seamus. We were going to an over 30’s party which is really common in Germany and it means the crowd that will be there are going to be older and not teeny boppers. But before we headed to the party we pre-gamed by drinking some shots and some drinks and chatting and then playing Cards Against Humanity which was really funny. It is like apples to apples but more risky in every way possible. It was hilarious to begin with but even funnier since Thomas didn’t know all the words and Meghan had to explain some pretty rude things lol. Once we had enough to drink Manuela drove us to the party and we got free entry as the person hosting the event was their next door neighbor. When we got there we got some drinks and hit the dance floor. From that moment we didn’t stop dancing except to get more drinks (which we got a lot of) until the end of the night. Throughout the night we were lucky to have Manuela there who helped keep my camera safe, tell off the man who licked Heavens ear, and kicked the chair of the man wanting to chat up Heavens lol. We finally ventured back to Thomas’s house at 4:30am with Heavens sshing all of us, quite loudly! The next morning, or shall I say afternoon when we finally got up, we had some breakfast and sat chatting with Thomas and Manuela and looking at the pictures from the night before. It was a great time, even if we didn’t feel very well the next day!

Until next time,


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