Thursday 22 May 2014

Meghan and Football

May 16-18, 2014

16th- Today after work I met Heavens and we went to Meghan’s house. Thomas, Manuela, and the boys were there. Later, Thomas 2 joined us and the next door neighbours as well as a few friends of Thomas and Manuela’s. We played with the boys, jumping on the trampoline and such. Then had some dinner-German bbq! Then played Cards Against humanity, which again proved to be a great and hilarious game. Of course we had some drinks along the way. The boys brought out some sparklers and huge candles to play with and the adults played the funny game. Overall the whole game was funny but the best part was when Manuela asked ‘what das ass-less chaps?’ OMG so funny!! It started to get late and cold so we decided to go to bed. It was a great night.
17th- Happy 9 month married Anniversary! Today we were going to go home and hang out but Heavens remembered that a football (soccer) game was on later that night and Meghan wanted to watch it. So we decided to take Meghan home with us, we would get ready, get some lunch and hot chocolate at the café in Meerane then go to the store and get some things for dinner and go back to Meghan’s house. At the store we found some really cool German football things to dress up with and support Germany. Even though both teams playing were from Germany we thought it would be cool so we dressed up, got some things for the boys and headed back. Once back we played with the boys, dressed them all up and got ready to watch the game. We chose teams to root for. Heavens, Thomas, and Manuela for Bayern-Munich and Meghan, Me and we convinced Dominic to root for Dortmund. The game was ok, a bit slow, and our team was gipped because of a goal which didn’t count as a goal! And in the end Bayern won by two points in overtime. Then we played a new card game with Meghan and Thomas 2- or now nicknamed One Look for his strategy during the game which didn’t actually work. Then we went to bed.
18th- Today we were meant to go to a Holi Festival with Manu but when we woke up it was pouring rain. So we decided to have breakfast then go home to skype Mama and get things ready and done.
Overall it was a great weekend hanging out with Meghan with many laughs and much fun!

Until next time,


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